ch- 24

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Is he mad, why the hell is he being so sweet with me........ he came near me and then dragged me to the first bench.
What the hell you think you are doing.........I told him.
You are my sweetheart and I must take care of the person I love the most....... he smiled at me. It was so confusing.....did I hurt him way too hard on his head or is it that he can’t remember what happened yesterday. He made me sit near the window seat , sat near me and kept his one arm over my shoulders and pulled me close to his chest.
I tried to pull away but he pulled me even more closer. Will you please let me go or else I will kick you hard.....I warned him.
I know darling you love me a lot.....but it is not good for you to kiss me in front of the whole class.......he said looking straight into my eyes. And he said it loud enough for everyone in the class to hear.
 I will kiss you in private darling.......he whispered in my ears. It did send a shiver down my body.
Lisa came and stood in front of our bench...... she looked at me like she can kill with her eyes. Dev tell her to move cause I want to sit with you......she lowered herself down to my level. I could see fire inside her eyes.
No, from today onwards she will sit with me and you can go and sit with someone else..... cause I want to sit with my girlfriend.......he said to her but he was still looking at me.
Wait a second I am not your......I couldn’t complete as he kept his finger on my lips to shut me up.
I know baby that we had a fight yesterday but you know how much I love you. I don’t want to give up on you so easily.....................................................................................................................OOkkkkkk  it is way to sweet for me to handle. I am not his girlfriend but why is he pretending so. And why is he being so sweet to me.
I really don’t  know what to say...... I kept pushing onto his chest but he made his grip on me. Dame this boy........
The teacher entered the class and told everyone to sit down. Lisa sat with Kushal but both of them kept on looking at me from time to time. Lisa giving me glares and Kushal showed a look of confusion.
During the classes he concentrated on the board. It was break time but I really had a bad feeling that he is not going to leave me alone. And as I thought....he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him around the corridor to the canteen. But this time our sitting arrangement was different , instead of Dev and Lisa it was Dev and me. Lisa and Jivan sat together.
Lisa as usual kept on talking shits. I finished my food and got up to leave........but he pulled me back to sit down.
Just wait for few minutes, let me finish my food and then we both can go for a walk around the corridor as we have ten more minutes in our hand. Dev leave my hand and stop this nonsense ........ I greeted my teeth at him.
We can talk nonsense when we are alone but not here darling....everyone is looking at us......and it was sweeter than before.  And then I noticed that everyone was looking at us ........ more precisely , each and every girl sitting in the canteen was looking at me like I have stolen a gem. He was done eating so he pulled me up with him and intertwined our fingers, and pulled me out of the canteen. Other students there can see that we were walking hand in hand but I was struggling to free my hand from his. As we walked through the corridor, everyone was rotating their heads one eighty deegre to look at us until we vanished from that corridor.
I looked at him and then around the corridor no one was there.........
Will you leave my hand or do I have to kick you in your balls ...........
You my darling will not do anything to me.....cause I got to know your secrete....he said pulling me close to his chest. I pushed him on the chest and made me escape from his grip. What secrete are you talking about.......
He smiled at was an evil smile. I know that your father has restricted you from fighting with anyone, and if there is any complain against you then your father won’t take you back to America , and I also know that you are dying to go back to America. And that is why you are concentrating more on your studied now a days cause if you fail your last semester then also your father won’t take you back. This is the reason for you to come to me and ask me to help you with your studies and before you ask me how I got to know all this........he paused for a bit and then smirked. I have got connections darling, now if you dare to do something then I will send this video directly to your father and then he will decide weather to keep you here or take you back to America.
You don’t have any video cause I deleted the video yesterday.......I said proudly.
You think I haven’t made any copies of it......
No, cause apart from your phone you have no other device to save it........ I challenged him.
You are right...... I don’t have any other device to save it but let me tell you something...... you have deleted it from my gallery but it is already saved with someone else......he smirked raising one eyebrow at me.
Jivannnnnnnnnnnnn.......... you showed it to him.
No not yet .........he thinks he has saved a project of mine as I have extended the video till thirty minutes by adding some other slides of study material and kept you video at the last. And if you want I can just call him and ask him to check the video or maybe send it to your father.
You don’t know who my father is ......... I laughed.
Mr. Anil your father and right now he is in America.
How did you...I raised my finger at him.
Well he is the largest donation giver and also the first chairmen of this college......everyone knows about him but no one knows about you that you are the daughter of Mr. Anil Bose.......... and now he was wriggling his eyebrows at me.
So I am giving you the opportunity of being my girlfriend..... actually fake girlfriend. And if you try to misbehave with me then this time I will show no marcy on you...........

Fuck I am screwed......I thought.

You should be happy that I will still help you with your studies.....he said and again caught my hand and pulled me with him and started walking.

This time I didn’t tried to run away from him. I was crying out loud but inside my brain.
Somebody please help me from this human looking devil. 

It is evening and I am back at my did he got to know so much about me in such a short time. How did he got to know something that no one knows except the principal and the professors   that also only those who know my dad personally.
 My phone made a ding sound.....maybe Christine texted me.....I looked at my screen to see the message of the devil itself.

“ I am not going to wait for you the whole evening, Lisa is already here. Come fast or know....”

Ooo shit I have to go to his house......I ran out of my house and ran all the way to his house. Running up the stairs I was almost out of breath. I was grasping for air as I entered his room.......fuck my head is spinning. I stood there with one hand on my chest and the other on my waist........after a minute I was able to take in air properly. Looking up at the room I searched for him but he was not there, and Lisa was also missing. I turned back at the door to leave and he was standing right behind me. Aaaaaa ........I jumped back , my hands on my chest.
Why didn’t you said you were standing behind me............ my heart was beating so fast right now.
I just wanted to check if you get scared or not..... he said moving his shoulders casually.
Ofcourse I will get scared, anyone will get scared if you stand like a ghost behind them.
Anyway come here and sit down fast......he said pointing at the chair. I sat down and then he opened the book. Wait won’t she come......I asked. She said she will be late, so we can continue from where we left yesterday.
Let’s start after Lisa comes.......I said and got up and started to walk....more like I ran.
Where are you going........ come back and sit down.........and I stopped, turned around and walked back to my chair.
You dare not get up without my permission, get it........ he said in a low tone. Now let’s start.....and then he started to teach me. After sitting there for one hour, Lisa came and then he taught us for another one hour. After two hours of studying I looked at my watch. It is almost time and I am done for today. But he was still explening us. So I intrupped him in the middle......” can I go home it is almost two hours”.....I said it showing my tired face.
As Lisa came one hour late so I will continue to teach her and within that time period, sit on the bed and solve this sums.....he said giving me a page filled with sums.
I want to go.........
Shut up and solve it.....he commanded. I went and sat on the bed.....and from there I was throwing invisible knives at his.
You better complete all of it within one hour ......or else I will keep you here until you complete it all.
Yes I am doing.......and then the real race started. I was racing against time to complete it, and when I checked the time was already thirty minutes and I still had five more sums to do. I solved only two sums till now........      god help me. I started to solve again but my energy was low as shit. And then Lisa got up, hugged Dev which was actually forced and then left throwing glares at me.
Can I please go home and complete it there....I will show it to you tomorrow.
No, sit here and complete it, I am going to make coffee you want some...he asked.
I nodded my head and then he left. He came back with my coffee and gave it to me. It did helped me a bit but my energy was dying. I looked up and he was studying . I was facing his back ......let me put this pillow at the back and lean on it.... and then it got so comfortable. Slowly it was becoming hard to keep my eyes open so I shaked my head and slaped my cheeks lightly.

I looked back at her but she was sleeping. I went near to wake her was already nine pm. I was  about to shake her but she was sweating ......her hands  were holding the bed sheet tight. And then she was shaking badly.......
Sonakshi wake up ..... wake up..... I shook her. She woke up with a jerk and looked around the room...... she covered her face with her hands and was grasping for air.

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