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He just walked in the opposite direction........ how rude, but somewhere I knew that he won't forgive me so easily. And this kind of reaction........ I did expected it and saw it coming.

In the evening I went to the office......As I exited the elevator and walked in the direction of my office the only thing that came to my mind was that the amount of work that got piled up from the last four days. 

Suddenly I saw Mrs. Dixit walking in my direction........ and as if she spotted me she walked towards me and so did I.

How come you are here ,shouldn't you be  resting now?.......... she asked looking down at my ankle.

I am totally fine and how can I not be fine, I have been on bed for the last four days..... and if there were any other fractures or anything else, even that also got fine during this time..... I said and she smiled.

I guess we will be seeing each other a lot during work........she said. ha...... I tilted my head to the side in confusion.... 

I will resume working...... she said clearifying my doubt. Ooooo ok...... I nodded my head.

If you need anything then you know where to find my office.... right.....she asked and I nodded again.

Mam, we are getting late............. I turned back and saw a P.A type personality standing beside the elevator which I assume is her P.A.

I will be going then ok and don't over burden yourself with too much work......... see you later..... she said and walked past me.

Bye...... I waved at her and she smiled back.

As I entered the office and looked at my desk...... there was a lot of files which got piled up on top of the desk. Wow......... now I have to deal with all of it. Four days of rest and this is what I get........ right now I feel like clapping for myself.  Didn't dad said that my work will be done by someone else in my absence.

Suddenly my phone vibrates and there is a message from the manager.......

You have to do all the work by yourself, no one else will be doing your work. You will be treated as equal as we treat the other employees..........

I literally want to smash the phone on the ground........... 

Breath sona.... breath..... you can do it, yes I can do it. Just some files that got piled up..... you will work hard and finish all these files okkk......... I assured myself.

As I sat on my seat and started working, few minutes later I looked up and saw the seat in front of me empty...... he must be working at the site. 

All along I wanted him to vanish but now he is gone for real......... 

I worked for two hours straight and stretched my hands.... time to get some cold coffee. I ordered my cold coffee and went to the rooftop of Dixit company. As I walked through the beautiful stone pathway and remembered how he pulled me and all my coffee got sacrificed in that process. 

I leaned on the railing and sipped my coffee..... the city lights glowed brightly as always.

He told me to stay away from him........ but how can I stay away and stay quit knowing that it was my fault. My one hand held the pendent..... and my eyes looked up at the night sky . Mom.. you must be ashamed on your daughter, look what a mess I have created. I hurt someone to such an extent that they don't even want to cross paths with me....... I am sorry Dev. He had always been good to me and never tried to take advantage of me which the other boys would have done if they were in his place.

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