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Dev Dixit

After 3 hours or may be more, I reached my destination and let me tell you something .....................
My destination looked amazing.

After getting down of the auto I paid the driver and turned around to have a better view. I was about to get inside when the gate men stopped me and asked "identity please ".
I showed him my certificate and he told me " so you are the new scholarship student of this, you must be tired and as you have a luggage I guess you want to go to the boys hostel first ".
I nodded my head. "Go straight and then take a left and then a right and a right again, there you will see a big building and that will be the boys hostel ".

I smiled at him and went on my way .
As I walked inside the campus I could see many students walking past me some of them walking in group's, laughing and chatting among themselves.

I reached the building which I suppose is the boys hostel and from what it looked like it has a tight security. And there was a watchman who asked for my identity and I showed him.

"Third floor room no. 308" was all he said and gave me the keys.
I took it and went on, I climbed the stairs and reached my floor. There were two long corridors and at the end of each of the corridor there were two more corridors connected.
Dude this place is way big than I thought, I said to myself and walked the length of the corridor on the right side .

Haa here it is,  I said and entered te key in the keyhole and turned the doorknob .
I stepped in and I felt something sticky under my shoes. I moved my leg up to see a piece of pizza which looked like rotten.
I slipped on something as I took my next step and as my back hits the ground , a banana peel landed on my face and I knew it that I have a roommate who is a zoo himself.

I got up on my feets and carefully took my steps and closed the door behind me. The scene infront of me was dreadful and I knew I won't be able to show my face to the college or more likely I won't be able to see the face of the college as it was on the other direction.

It took hours to clean the room and after taking a bath with hot water I felt refreshed and relaxed.
I started unpacking and keeping them all inside my closet. Beside the bed was a study table. It had a lamp and a pen stand. The tap had water 24/7 ....
Hmmm perks of studying in a private college.
Well I will take a nap than.
The bed was soft and comfortable so I had no problem in falling asleep.

After sleeping for two hours I got up and heard footsteps outside the door
Maybe the college got over.
I got up off the bed and walked towards my roommate's study table ,

I picked up a copy from the table and saw the name "Jivan Sharma..second year....third semester "
Hmmm so he is a junior , hhh I sighed
Let's scare him a bit than.
Suddenly someone enters the key on the doorknob and unlocks it.
I kept the copy down and held a serious look on my face.
The boy entered the room but he was way too busy and as if something was off, he looked up to see the angry face of mine.

"Ooo my God I am so sorry I thought that you would come day after tomorrow....if ...if I knew that you were coming I would have cleaned the room....don't....don't worry I will clean the room right now" .
He said and turned around and had a scared expression.
I thought of scaring him a bit more so I said.

For you I had to clean the whole room and now as a punishment I am going to make you lick the bathroom floor.

Sorry please don't do this to me
If you want you can eat half the part of my meal every day and a dessert every day...just please don't make me lick the bathroom floor....he cried.

I can't hold it in any longer and laughed my ass off.
You should see you face .....
I laughed more and more.

After controlling myself I said
"Hi I am Dev Dixit and you must be Jivan Sharma " and extended my hand .
He shakes my hand as if still scared of me. So you are not going to make me lick the bathroom floor will you?
He questioned.

Well I was thinking about the offer you made instead, I will let you have your meal and stop looking at me like I am a man eater...I laughed again.
And don't need to worry about the room but if you mess it up again then I might have second thoughts.

"I will never I promise" ....he said.
Well you looked quite terrified, are the seniors too hard on you guys? I questioned him.
""You are totally different, if it was someone else they would have definitely made me lick the bathroom floor and even worse they would have dumped my head in the potty pan ""
He said a bit amazed.

So mister junior tell me something about the seniors over here.

This boys hostel is for the boys and this floor is occupied by the scholarship students like you and me.
  So you are a scholarship student..I asked . Yes and you must be thinking that why this kind of arrangement, let me tell you that the college authority thinks that keeping the juniors with the seniors will maintain a healthy relationship among them but it's not the same for all of us.
The students of this floor are not like this but the first and the second floor are the most dangerous ones.
That's why there is a gate on the staircase at this floor.
And a gate man sitting near it.

But when I entered there was no gate man over there....I said remembering.

He must have gone to the washroom and one more thing ,if you want to stay out for a night to have party or something else just say the gate men that you are going to stay at your friends house or you will be doing group study....he sighed.

Wow so much of protection... I thought.

So you will be going to the party right..he said
What part???
The party of Raj Arora the senior and practically the bad boy of this college and he gets all the girls.
No I am not going to any party and listening to your talks, are you really a scholarship student cause it doesn't seems like you are...I said in a mocking way.
Well you can say that I have a god gifted brain... he said as if almost praising himself.

Ok bye then I am getting late for the party and as I said I am going out so you can sleep in peace cause I won't be back tonight....
He said and left the room.

I looked at the clock and thought of studying a bit.
After three hours of studying continuously I got up and went out to have my food and it was almost 9 at night and than the bell rang which indicated that it's time for dinner.
And to my surprise the dining area was almost empty only a few students were there.
After having my food which was good but not like my Radha  mami, I went back to my room and fell asleep.

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