ch- 41

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Please forgive me............ she said.

What?..... Forgive you, for what?.... I said taking my hand out of her hold. Please just forgive me..... I am really sorry for all the things I have done to you. You were always kind to me but I was the one who never understood the value of kindness..... she said in a low tone, looking down. Well from her voice it was understandable that she was feeling sorry but I still can't believe her.

Ok you want forgiveness, then will do whatever I ask you to do?......... I said folding my hands in front of my chest.

As if I gave her a chance.. she raised her head and and looked at me with hope I her eyes. Yes, I will... just say what I have to do.......

Can you say whatever you said to me, done to me till date. All the wrongs you did to me... everything.......In front front of the whole class and then ask for my forgiveness. Can you?........ I asked her.....

She lowered her head again.....

See, you can't......... your image is way bigger then your guilt....... I said and walked away from there. 


I was at work, my laptop opened in front of me but my brain was thinking of something else other then work. What should I do to prove him that I really am feeling guilty........ should I gift him something... maybe that will soften his heart a bit for me. Or should I .....AAAAAaa... I pulled onto my hairs.

Did something happen....?  my co-worker asked. nothing happened ...hehe.... I smiled showing my teeth and then she went back to do whatever she was doing. I sighed..... what should I give him that will make him happy. Wait, what about a teddy... a biggg one. Yes I will Just gift him a teddy because I can't think of something else...... 

I quickly placed an order for the teddy........ should I send it to his work place,

No ... I can't send it there... he won't be able to carry it back home. It will just cause him more problem..... then I will just send it to his home. But where does he lives......where can I get his address?

And then I remembered that the email dad's P.A sent me had their address on it too. So I quickly opened it and copied the same...... It will get delivered to his address. 


Today's work was way more tiring then any other day, and being the site manager is not an easy task....... I came back and before I could open the door, Wook opened it for me. Were you waiting for me to come back from work this eagerly...... I asked as I entered inside. 

There is a parcel  for you...... he said. Me.... a parcel for me?..... I  pointed a finger towards myself and was a bit confused. Yes for you, and it is kept in the sitting area...... he said and walked inside quickly. I too got inside and saw it, a huge gift rapped box. And as I went near it, Wook handed me a knife to cut it open.

I looked back at him and everyone else, as they waited for me to unbox whatever was inside it. Are you guys sure that it came for me?.........

Yes.... and it was strictly said that you are to open the box. As I had nothing else to say, so with the help of the knife. 

The moment it opened..... suddenly two party bombs just  blasted and the whole sitting area was messes. I looked for the sender's address but there was nothing in the box. And right after that a teddy could be seen. A big pink teddy bear...... It was as big as me.

Omg........ a teddy bear...... Wook said. Did you made a girlfriend or what?.... Murat asked.

No...... I didn't and I don't know who sent it, I really don't. Look there is a note attached to it...... Wook pointed at the teddy. I saw the note and pulled it off the bear. 

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