Ch- 57

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I reached back at my penthouse and standing in my room makes me think of that night. I checked my phone but there were no calls from her. Maybe I should just visit her, should I go and check on her?.... what if she is busy. But I want to see her..... my inner voice said. 

So I drove to her home and she wasn't there.....the maid told me that she was with her friend. After hearing that I went to Christine's place. I stood in front of her door waiting for it to open but the maid told me that she didn't came here at all.

Then where is she......... I thought.

I called her manager but he too said that she was with her friend........

And why I get this feeling that they all are hiding something.

And here the manager is calling me to come and start with the preparations for the launch event. Our company ,now apart from involving in architecture and construction will produce cement and tmt bars.

I had no other way but to go back to the company. But inside I felt like seeing her and hug her.....she is going through tough times and I want to lessen it.

The day of the launch event came and everyone was there. Me, Tania, Joy.... Mrs. Fake Dixit and every other CEO'S  of different companies.

I heard that Mrs. Dixit have invited the new shareholder of ABS......... the manager said.

She did????? Wahhhhh....... she really is something. But it's good only, I too want to see that person and have some chit chat.

I sat down in the front row as the event started......all of it was going well until the time came when the owner of the company was to go up on the stage and describe the product.

I looked around for dad but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. The manager ran towards me.
    Mr. Dixit won't be able to make it to the event.......

He couldn't complete as Mrs. Dixit interrupts in the middle.
Oooo...... that means I have to do it, no worries then.......... she said getting up. 

No, this time you will not be doing it....... this time it will be done by Dev and I am not the one saying's Mr. Dixit's order. 

Whattttttttttt....... how can he do that. He can't just sent a newbee up on the stage for such a big launch event........... she was clearly frustrated at this point of time. 

Dev please........ The manager indicated.

I got up on the stage. After I was done everyone clapped their hands and it made me feel great from inside. Finally everyone was enjoying the party with a glass of champagne in the hand. I too was talking to a businessperson when someone said........." is it him, is he the new shareholder"?....

I looked back at the entrance and saw just the head of that person and the bodyguards behind him. I walked a bit more further and then I saw him.........

JIVAN.......... he is the new shareholder?

Everyone shook hands with him and welcomed him........... and then it was my turn. I went to him and before I could say anything he spoke..... It's nice to meet you Mr. Dev, I have heard a lot about you and it's very nice to see you in person....... he shook hands with me and went on to greet Mrs. Dixit. 

I walked away from there and took another glass of champagne, while the manager walked towards me.......... why do I feel like I have seen him before. Yes you have..... he was me junior in college but I don't understand, out of all the people in this world why it has to be him?

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