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Murat and I got ready to go out and find the address. Are you guys going somewhere........ Wook said entering the room. yes, do you want to come along...... I offered. Sure......... he replied.
The three of us got down the stairs and saw Julia and Lola going somewhere. Are you guys going to your work...... Wook asked.
Yes, but where are you all going... Lola said looking at us. Well we are going to help him find an address......... Murat replied looking at me. Let’s go out together then.......... Julia insisted. We all got out of the house and walked down the streets. I got a bit familiar with the area around our P.G but there’s still a lot to explore. We took the metro, Julia and Lola , got down at the very next station as they worked at the same place. We got down skipping one more station. As we got out of the subway, a whole different place was in front of us. The whole area had skyscrapers and the streets were filled by pedestrians as they were returning from their office, this place had big stores were people like us would never dare to enter.
Why do you want to find this address...... Murat asked looking at the piece of paper given by me on which I had noted down the Address. Someone told me to find this address.... even I don’t know what I will find there.... I said looking around.
Let’s find it then... Wook said and we went for our search. Murat stopped a person and asked about the address, that person showed us the street that would lead us to that place. After walking for about thirty minutes we found the address..... there it was, an eleven storey building with the logo I was familiar of.
Now what..... Wook asked looking around. Did you find what you were searching for....... Murat said as he looked in the direction I was looking at.
Yes... I did, now let’s go back. As we walked back, Wook held his stomach and said “ can we please eat something, I can smell something great being cooked somewhere”.
You always get hungry when we go out........ Murat commented. Wook sniffed the smell and started walking in that direction...... stop where are you going...... both of us said at the same time, but he didn’t stop. We followed him and reached a cafe where all kind of sandwiches, burgers and pizza were available, even muffins and pastries were visible on the counter.
Outside the shop, a paper was pasted on the glass panel. I went near and read it........  WORKERS NEEDED FOR TAKING ORDERS AND CLEANING PORPOSES.......
So you came here to get a part time job...... I nodded my head. Even I am searching for a new Job, as the old one is paying me very less...... Murat said looking at the prospectus stick on the glass.
Let’s go in then....but where is Wook...... we both looked around. And then we spotted him inside the shop......... what is he doing, does he know the girl.... I asked Murat. Oooo I forgot to tell you something...... Wook is crazy for two things, food and Girls. And where ever he finds them both together, for him it becomes heaven. 
We entered the shop and went towards the counter. The girl behind the counter looked at us..... what would you like to order sir....... she asked politely not giving attention to Wook who was smiling at her like a little kid who Just saw a Jar of toffees.
Actually we would like to apply for the job, you are looking for workers aren’t you.......... I said and she nodded. There are the application form, fill it up and give it to me............ and we did as she said. We filled up the form and gave it to her. We will call you later on and tell you the date of joining the work.......
Thank you..... both of us said at the same time. Let’s go back home as our work is done here........ Murat said and we both looked at Wook who was still busy flirting with the girl.
What am I suppose to do with this guy..... Murat said while going towards Wook, and put him in a deadlock and dragged him out of the shop... I followed them laughing at his actions.
After two days we got a call from the shop, they want us to come to work from today itself. We will be having evening shift and our work gets over at nine. Murat and me were jumping and Wook was glaring at us. What.... Murat asked.
Why didn’t you tell me to fill the application..... he complained. Cause you were busy flirting with the girl...... he replied while scrunching his nose.
I am going to apply too...... he said getting out of the room.
Is he going to the shop......
I guess he is.... Murat replied. We followed him out, when we reached our shop he went directly towards the counter and asked the girl....... I want to work here, where is the application form... he said as fast as he can.
Sorry, but we will not be needing anymore workers....... she said and looked at us. Oooo you guys came...... she said coming out of the counter. Both of you go to the staff room and change your cloths. Murat and me went in the direction she pointed and found the staff room. Inside there were t-shirt’s with the name of the shop printed on it was kept on the table. We changed and went back to her.......
Please tell you friend not no create any disturbance.......  she said. Murat went over to Wook and whispered something in his ears, and then he happily went back home. What did you say to him......
Nothing special, Just bribed him so that we can work in peace..... he answered. We learned how to take orders and wait tables.
Most of our customers were the employees from the companies present in that area ,would come here at the shop. They sat and discussed about work related matters while having their food. It was very tiring to come straight after doing the classes and work here. The owner of the shop used to come here sometimes just to check that everything was in place. For me this job offered an opportunity to stay near the company and also I used to hear things from the workers as I served the food..... It would help me later on when I join the company of my so called dad.  
I have the business card with me but the thing is that ... I must stay hidden cause I don’t trust these people. And for that I must not gather attention on me...... stay out of any kind of fights to have peace in my life. It has been almost a week and the Job is very tiring. And from two days our boss refused to leave the shop, he said that there can be an opportunity that a big company heirs us. So he needs to stay at the shop and show that he manages and runs the shop very well.


It has been almost a week and my head have already started to pain even worse.
Just few days ago and incident happened...........
The three of us were sitting together and Joy asked me...... you said that there was a replacement of you to look over me when you fall sick, so where is the replacement. Well the replacement is sitting right in front of your eyes........ I showed him with my eyes looking over to her, who was busy looking at the boys and giving them rank according to the pass criteria which I guess is very easy to pass as all she wanted was a handsome face, nice sculpted body and height. 
She will take care of me who cannot even take care of herself....... he laughed looking out of the window. Don’t make fun of her..... she has anger management issues just like me.
And then she looked at me...... did you said something... she asked. I was just tal.....................Joy didn’t let me talk. She was saying that you will be taking care of me in her absence.............. but tell me something, how will you look after me when you can’t even look after yourself........ he said in a rude manner.
Excuse me, I can take care of myself very well but seems like you got some misunderstanding........... she answered back and gave me a look that said.... “ is he mad or what”.
Why are you looking at my best friend like that...... he said while covering my face with his hands protecting me from the imaginary UV rays that he thought Christine was pointing at me. I moved his hand off my face, could you guys stop and have you food instead of having a civil war.
Even though they stopped, I could sense a dog and a cat sitting beside me.
Even though I told them not to fight, they were busy throwing glares at eachother. When we went inside the class they ran to sit on the last bench.........
You get up........ Joy said trying to push her off the seat. No, you get up....... Christine said trying not to move..................
COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP........ YOU ARE EMBERRASING ME AND YOUSELF IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS........ I hissed at them. I turned back on my heels and walked away from them........ if this keeps going on that I don’t know about them but I will turn into a mad Sonakshi. I was almost out of the door when I got pulled back by both of them and they started a tug of war with me. Christine pulling me by my one hand, and Joy holding onto the other. I took a quick look of my surrounding and found that the class didn’t had much students and he was not in the class either.
And then slowly slowly I started to feel the stretch in my arms......... stoppppppppp, or else  my arm will rip off and then you both can fight with each other with my hand........... I shouted but in a low tone. They stopped at once............ why in world I feel like I am dealing with kids.
I will sit with Joy and that’s my final say in it.......... I said looking straight. Because I really don’t want to face her. Later on while the class was going on, I wrote a chit and passed it to Christine saying that I will always go with her after the college gets over, in her car. She looked at the chit and looked back at me and nodded her head.
Later on when I was with her in her car on the way to our respective homes......... she gave a look ‘ now tell me’.
Look the thing is that Joy has OCD....... and that is why I have to be with him all the time. And then she made an ‘ooo’ face. By the way... who is he? Like how is he related to you?........... was her next question.
I cannot revel who is Joy to anyone, not even my childhood best friend and I have never lied to her.
He is the son of one of my mom’s friend.......... I said praying she would believe. She is very well known with all the people related to my father but she doesn’t know anything about my mother’s side.
You should have said to me before that he was related to you mother, I would have understood. Look at all the fuss I created.......... she said putting her hand on her head.
Sorry I can’t tell you the truth until he is all well..... I thought. And one more thing... please take care of him when I am not around....
I will, don’t worry.........
And after that day Christine used to drop me home. Even though Christine stopped behaving like stupid but Joy didn’t. He always tried to protect me and keep me away from Christine..... he thinks that Christine will steal me from him.
Suddenly my phone vibrated....... there's  a call from Mr. Dhreem Dixit, Joy’s dad. I picked up his call at once.
Sona- Hello uncle..........
Dhreem- hi Sona... how are you doing?
Sona- I’m good uncle.... how are you?
Dhreem- I am good too.... I called you because I wanted to talk to you, It would be great if you can just visit me at my office.
Sona- sure uncle....... is your schedule  free for the evening, then I would drop by you office after classes as tomorrow is  weekend and I am free in the evening.
Dhreem- that would be great, see you then.....
Sona- yes uncle......
He ended the call. He must be worried about Joy.... after all he is a father. In the evening I visited him and as I guessed, he wanted to know how Joy was doing in the university. And I gave him every single minute details about Joy. After hearing all of it, he smiled.
Thank you Sonakshi.... if it wouldn’t have been you then I don’t know whom I could have trusted Joy with........
No worries uncle, I am taking good care of him........
I have no doubt that you will..... he said and looked at his watch. I have a meeting so I will leave now, it was nice talking to you. I will tell the driver to drop you home......... he said taking out his phone.
No no... uncle, no need of that....... I will drive back home.
Ok then,...... drive safely............ he said and left.
I too left his office and got out of the building. As I drove out of the parking lot, my stomach growled. And then I spotted a cafe just at the opposite side of the road. I parked my car outside the shop and went inside. As I opened the door there was a jingling sound. I walked up to the counter and ordered a cheese sandwich and watermelon juice. After paying for it, I sat at the corner table waiting for my food to arrive. I was looking here and there and then suddenly my eyes caught sight of him.
I looked carefully... it is really him. And then he was coming towards my table, I quickly covered my face with a copy.......... and preatened as if I was reading.
Here’s your order mam.......would you like something else...... he asked.
Gosh!..... he must be working here. I just moved my head in a no from inside the copy.
Enjoy your meal..... he said and left.
I slowly moved the copy down to the level of my nose. He works here........
How in world does this boy reaches every single place that I go to.... I fucking have no idea. Without wasting any time, I quickly took my order and walked out of the cafe and got inside my car.
That was a very close encounter.... like a very close one. And after that day I never went to that cafe, it was my first and my last.
And few more weeks went just like that..... me escaping the chances of meeting him. And this is only possible in America..... you can pass the whole year without having the slightest idea of who are your classmates. There were times when we walked past each other and he didn’t notice at all.
Today there was a football match between the boys of our and another university.
We were sitting on the stairs at the side of the ground. Joy didn’t came as he had to go for his regular check up. So it was just me and Christine.... enjoying the match and throwing popcorn whenever out team made a goal.......... Our boys won the match. We were about to leave as the match was over but got stopped by one of the team member.
The guy came straight to Christine and stood in front of her.
Would you like to come for the victory party, it’s at the captain’s house .......... he said in a sye manner and had an expression as if worried that she would say no. But there was no way she would say no to parties and handsome boys.
Yes ofcourse......... she said in seconds.
You can bring your friend with you, it will be fun...... he said looking at me and back at her. Yess... we will come.
He smiled and walked away. 
And after he left, she looked at me with puppy eyes........ please come with me at the party........
No..... I have a lot of work to do and ......
Please..... please please please......... she stopped me in the middle and started to make sounds like a six year old.
Ok fine we will go to the party.

I was busy filling up the application for internship ............. I somehow got lucky as most of the welfare student were given opportunity to do internship at the companies of the business man’s who were spending their precious money on us in the name of welfare. And this form is for the company owned by the person for whom I came all the way from India to America....... yes my so called dad.
And I really hope that I get the internship..........
There was a knock on the door.......... and then Julia came in. Won’t you come with us to see the match.......... she said.
I moved my head in a ‘no’......... I have a lot of work to do....... I said sadly. Even I wanted to go and watch the match but I had to fill up the application and send it too, also prepare myself for interview.
You’re sure....... it will be fun...... she said with hope, but I refused to go............
Ok..... then, we will be going... take care....... she waved and shut the door behind her on the way out. I sighed.......... I wished... I was able to enjoy like them, fly free from all the tension and this hectic life.
After filling up the form I went and submitted it and then went to work at the cafe. As Murat was busy with the match, I had to compensate for his absence.
And then Lola called me and gave me the good news, they won the match.
So his absence and my hard work at the cafe paid off at last. I went back home and even before I entered the house..... I could hear them shout and scream out of Joy.  I opened the door and saw that all of them were making a circle by putting arms over each other’s shoulder. Wook saw me and pulled me in the circle........
Tonight we’ll party hard.......... he shouted and all started to jump. And all of us will go to the party for the drinks and snacks made for the rich people.
I looked at Murat in a confused manner....... didn’t you guys told me that staying away from them is the best way to avoid trouble....... I said getting out of the circle.
Well as for me and my friends it is different, cause I was the one to do the last goal and make us win by one goal, so the captain personally told me to come with all my we will be going and you have to come too......
I can’t..... I have to clean the room, and another reason is that.... I am really weak when it comes to drinks..... I really can’t handle it.
I am not going to listen to any of your excuses........ come with us or else we will put you in the back of the car and tie you hands and legs....... will that be ok......... Murat said and everyone started to move towards me...............
I took a step backwards but no use, as my back hit the wall............ ok ok.. I will go with you guys, but please stop scaring me....
That’s like a good boy.... Lola said smiling at me. We all got ready and went to the party........


I was in Christine’s place, doing my makeup. Tell me which one I should wear..... she said hanging two different dresses in front of her body. Wear the blue one... it will look more sexy on you..... I said winking at her.
As always you have the best fashion sense....... she jumped and went inside her walk-in-closet. We reached the party and I could already smell the alcohol in the air. I don’t know why but I don’t like to go to parties anymore..... and even if I am forced to go to a party then I will make sure that ,I stay away from drinks. I don’t have very good memories of my state after I get drunk, and the only thing I do after getting drunk is ...making a fool out of myself.
We entered the big mansion which I guess belongs to the captain of the football team. Such a modern house.......... like it had big French windows and the sitting area was connected to the garden of the house. The music was blasting........ but why the house was decorated with bullons.
Are you sure we came to the right place........ I asked Christine,........ even she was confused. But he gave me this address only...... she said checking her phone.
There you are....... the guy who invited us came and stood in front of us. Heyyyy.......... Christine hugged the guy. Come in...... he said and we entered the house.
Why is the house decorated with balloon’s........ she asked him,
Oooooo........ that, actually today is his sister’s birthday... so we decided that we will be celebrating both the things together....... he answered.
Wait here, I will be right back....... he said and went away. Two minutes later he came back with drinks in both of his hands and handed one glass to Christine and gave me the other one..........
Within few minutes, she finished three glasses and was searching for more. Take this..... I handed my glass to her, I didn’t even touched my lips to the glass......... after that event, I didn’t dare to drink at all.
Okkkk...... yo.uuuuu..... stay here..... I will... go with.. him........... she said and went away with that boy. Wow!........... she is already high just by drinking four glasses and on top of that she left me alone in a party where I don’t know anyone. I looked around and found the juice counter and went to make myself one. I stood there and made myself a drink, and made sure that none of it contained even the slightest amount of alcohol.
As I stood by the counter and sipped my drink........... and then whatever was inside my mouth, came out in the form of fountain spray ruining the wall on the side. And then I looked back at the person because of whom this all happened.
What is he doing here.... I asked myself as I saw...... none other than Mr. Dev entering the party. He was there with is friends........ and then suddenly he started to walk in my direction. I quickly hided myself under the table inside the table cloth. And then I saw his legs as he stood in front of the table, and at that point of time I felt like stabbing him with a knife on his feet. I waited for few minutes under the table protected by the long table cloth that hung on the edges of it. he went away and then I slowly got out from under the table. Ok... he is not around, this is the best chance for me to run away from here....... but where is Christine.... Ooooo she went with that boy, which means she won’t be back so fast.
So, I texted her that I am going back home cause there was some urgent work at the company..... and left the house. This can’t keep going on......... we are in the same country, Same city, same university and even the same class.
Someday or the other we will come face to face....... but I will try all possible ways and try to avoid it.       

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