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Dev Dixit

" I have a job for you and if you complete this job I will forget and forgive you for tomorrow and I will take you in my gang " he said smiling.
I don't know why but his smile was not something I wanted to see at all.

So tell me something about the girl..
He asked.
I don't know anything about her, and why are you asking me
Go and talk to her if you want to know about her..... I said a bit annoyed.

Look I want you to be a good boy and and get me her phone number,
Her address, her past ,her present.
I want to know who she is, what time she sleeps, what she eats,
Her likes dislikes everything ok.
I am giving you 3 days and within this 3 days I want all the information about her.
I know you can do it..and if you don't than maybe something bad will happen to you........

And before I could react to what he just said, he got up and went away with his friends.

I turned my face to see Jivan looking straight into my eyes
"You are going to do it, will you "

OFCOURSE NOT........ I said raising my eyebrows. Do I look like an idiot to you ,if he wants her number and wants to know everything about, then he came to the wrong person.

"Maybe you should do what he said cause he can harm you if he finds out.......I stopped him midday.
No I won't and stop being so afraid of him.....I said them.

"I think you should listen to him Dev bhi " Alina said .

Ok I think I should go back to my class
I am already late.
I got up and left the canteen.


I am sitting at the canteen and every one, like each and every person in this canteen is looking at me .
It's so fucking creepy for me ,
But one thing, the food looked so delicious and my bad luck that I my on diet.
Cause as far as I remember, I was sick for almost a week for eating fast food for several days and my doctor said that I have to follow strict diet for a month.

And sitting in this canteen is not helping at all. So i got up and went outside, the garden is quite nice so I sat under a tree and eat the fruit salad that I got from the canteen.
I finished my food and went to my next class. As everyone was busy eating their food and gossiping around, I thought of calling Christine .

I was on my way to the classroom and talking on my phone . After talking for a minute I almost reached my and decided to go through my messages.
I turned right looked into my phone and then I crashed into something hard .
As I rubbed my forehead with my hand to ease the pain, I looked up to see that I just bumped into the wall and the door was just few steps away.
I cursed myself and then I heard someone laughing.
Turning my head into that direction I saw it was him .

Dev Dixit

I was walking through the corridor and thinking about what Raj said and what Jivan suggested "that I should do the work he told me to do"

Like really, why is everyone so afraid of him ...I thought.

As I turned around and entered the corridor that leads to my class
I saw her coming from the opposite direction ,her phone was in her hand and then she turned around and bumped into the wall.

Hhhaaaa ...
I laughed as I saw her rubbing her head and cursing herself.

I stopped laughing and calmed down and looked at her .
"What "....she asked with an irritated face.

"What what "....i said shrugging my shoulders.

"What are you laughing at ha"?

Ooo me I was just laughing at the wall, it looks pretty hurt by the way..... I said acting cool but inside I was laughing hard.

She walked with her anger legs stomping towards me.
"Youuuuu..... she said pointing her finger at me but she stopped midday and closed her eyes and said again
"Calm down Sona calm down "
And then she breathes in and out, and then opens her eyes again .

Are you ok... is asked, I think she hit her head too hard into the wall, cause she was behaving weird and talking to herself.

"Yes I am " she said .

But it looks like you are not.

And then suddenly she grabbed my collar,
Like almost grabbed my collar but stopped again .
Her hands were inches away from me and the look on her face was telling me that she was trying to control her anger cause she was shutting her eyes close again.
After few seconds she opens her eyes and looks at me with a broad smile on her face, almost as if forcing the smile and then she moved her hands which was just few inches away from my collar , towards my shoulder and brushed the invisible dust away from it.

And then she turned around and went inside the class.
I too went inside the class and sat down at my regular place, but the girl was already sitting near the window side, so I had to sit on the other side of the bench.

And as if I did some sort of crime sitting on that bench ,she turned her face towards me.
But I was already taking my books out and turning the pages and after sometimes when I looked up from the book , she was looking outside the window.

The bell rang and the first person to enter the class was Raj Arora.
And then he smiled at me and then looked at her and then back to me again.

What is wrong with this person , I thought. It feels like everyone in this college is a weirdo

Finally the college got over and I went back to the hostel.

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