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How can I become pregnant ......... it can't be true. I ran the "pregnant" word again and again over my mind but I had to calm down to find my answer. 

Whose baby is it Sonakshi........... Joy said  and there was pain evident in his voice but right now I had no time to think about these two person standing in front of me. The only thing that came to my mind is that Dev made love with me but we didn't use any protection. SHITTTTTTTTTT................ I quickly got off the bed making my way towards the door. But before I left..... I turned back.

I hope you guys don't utter a word about all this if you don't want me to hate you and give up the last ounce of respect for you........... I said and got out. I met the doctor and asked for how many days I have peen pregnant for and he said that almost three weeks......

That clarifies the fact that Dev is the father of my unborn child. 

I couldn't stop my tears as I ran towards the washroom......My silent tears rolled down  my cheeks as I cried hard while turning on the tap. There are other people in the washroom too......... And here I am thinking about what to do now. 

I don't want to abort the child...... Even if the world was ending, it won't be there on my list. How can I kill it knowing the fact that someone is there in my womb, waiting to get out and see the sunlight. 

Waiting to be born, to be loved, cherished, known...... . But Dev needs to know about it, he has the right to. After all he is the father of this child. 

I got out of the hospital and got inside a cab. As I called  him waiting for him to pick up, my heart was beating fast because I was afraid. 

Dev- Hello!...... Yes Sona, what is it.

Sam- What do you think about kids....?

Dev- Why all of a sudden you are talking about kids........

Sona- OOooo.... I just wanted to know it because I was watching a movie and there was a scene where the woman got pregnant but the boy left the girl.....  

Dev- haaa.... so this is the reason. Well if you want to know then I will tell you. If ever I get to know that I am going to become a father then no one in this world will be more happier than me. I will leave everything behind and take care of my child.......

He said and I was quite for few seconds, thinking about what will happen if he gets to know that he really is going to become a dad.

Sona- ok then ..... bye, I have some work to do.
I said and cut the call.

I can't tell him about my pregnancy.......cause if he gets to know, then  he will do the things I am afraid of the most. He will leave everything that he has created. And I can't let that happen. After I am done with my plan of destroying Mrs. Dixit, I will hand over all the shares back to dad and leave this city. Go far away so that no one gets to know. In this way I can save everyone and everything.

Mrs. Dixit will now work very fast..... she will not leave any chance for me to get back to her but I have a perfect plan.

The next day the thing I was afraid of happened............ The date of wedding was fixed and I am in short of time. But I do have a backup plane cause I knew something like this would happen. So I had already planned it out with Christine............ And she is aware of everything except the fact that Mrs. Dixit is not the real one and their family matter.

It took us a very long time to collect evidences of how Mrs. Dixit has been manipulating the companies book of accounts. There has been miscellaneous transactions and all of it has been done by someone who has been getting briberies from her. And these people are not very old employees. She hires and fires them whenever she needs to. And to keep their mouth shut, she gives them extra money. 

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