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After a lot of shouting and arguing finally Joy got ready to come with me, while the nurses and doctors passing by were telling us to keep out voice low. 

The whole drive from the hospital to my penthouse was a total silence. Neither did they said anything, nor did I open my mouth. I kept checking at Joy from the rear view mirror while Tania sat on the front seat. 

I entered first while they followed me behind. When they entered the room....Joy hesitated a bit but entered anyway. Wait here until I come back...... I told them and vanished behind the doors of the walk in closet. I came back with the same file that Sonakshi had read before and handed them the file.

They both sat together flipping the pages while I explained everything and their eyes went wide and tears fell from Joy's eyes. 

I don't believe all this...... this is not true , this can't be true......... you are just playing with our minds..........Tania , you don't believe all this do you ......Joy shook Tania.

Even if after all this thing I have showed you, the video that went viral... you don't believe me then I will say just one thing........ you are blind. 

You shut the fuck............

Joy stop....... Tania shouted. He is telling us the truth and whatever we saw...all of it was true. She is not our mom.....She said turning towards me.

No no ..... don't believe him. He is just trying to lure us, that's it.........

No Joy..... and I am not saying this because of all this, I have seen and heard it myself. I didn't believe at first but after all this I can't unseen it. 

What do you mean, what have you heard.....he sounded broken.

  I heard you, dad and mom ......sorry not our mom,....... she laughed with pain. I heard you guys talking that day........ She said and that's when I remembered that I felt that someone was there outside the door hearing all of it but saw no one. 

Wait a minute.... so you are telling me that you knew it from before hand but didn't thought of telling me... ha.  Joy raised his one eyebrow at Tania.

I myself wasn't sure about it......... then how do you expect me to tell you anything. 

Suddenly dad entered the room........ 

Dev........ let me explain............

Dad then did his part of explanation while tears were running hard from Joys eyes, Tania on the other hand was remained still as if holding in all her emotions. 

Why were you hiding all of it from us dad....... why. I understand we were kids and the situations were not in you favor but how could you leave both of us with that she screamed. 

I was scared that she would do something to both of you.... especially to Joy.  She had her fingers rapped around both of you.......I was scared she would do something and make both of you turn against me.

 So you just left the murderer of our mother free....... how can you........  Joy looked at dad with anger in his eyes. 

Tania walked out of the room, all angry....... I tried to follow her but dad stopped me.

Give her some time, she will recover from it......... dad said but I was worried.

Joy fell on his knees and cried hard............ I tried to comfort him but pulled my hand back. Dad noticed it... so he tried to pull Joy up while I stepped back.

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