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It was the day of hearing...... I stood by Joy and Tania while dad was being questioned by the defendant council. 

The night before the hearing we all gathered in the Dixit house while the lawyer was informing us what kind of questions we might be asked in the court by the opponent lawyer and also told us what our answer was suppose to be. 

After dad I was called in the witness box, after that Tania and then Joy.........

As joy was getting questioned by the defendant council..... sadness was evident in his eyes and body language. But it was only visible to us, as the rest of the court was only seeing him answering the questions he was asked. 

Now it was Mrs. Dixit's turn to get questioned by our lawyer. When she was asked if she was the real Mrs. Dixit or not.....her answer was 'yes I'm the real Mrs. Dixit'...... she just laughed it off. I looked at Tania and Joy..... their eyes turned red, and only if they were animals..... that bloody woman would have been dead by now. But nothing can be done...... as she kept on denying all the charges that were put on her.

And it was then presented before the court.....all the evidences, certificates......everything that we had collected till date. We proved it that she had been lying all these years. Finally the world got to know the true colours of this woman. 

'And finally for the verdict'....... the judge said and all of us stopped breathing. 

"Mr. Dixit is not found guilty of hiding the truth as what he did was in good faith"

And As for Mrs. Dixit.... she is sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of her remaining life with a fine amounting to twenty million dollars. 

All of us got up from our seats and hugged was a family hugging each other knowing that finally they are free from that nasty person who had been controlling their lives till date. 

As we step out of the courtroom Mrs. Dixit was being taken away by the cops to her final destination which was supposed to be the jail. But our paths crossed as we were heading towards each other, Mrs. Dikshit stopped and the cops around her too staying still and we too stopped in front of her as if she wanted to say something to us. 

But then as I looked at Joy it was him who wanted to say something to her rather than her. 

Did you really not love us.... was it all just acting, you did all of it just for money............. He asked her while she was just kind of laughing at his word.

See this is the reason why you have been fooled by me all these years. This is the reason why I hated living with you morons till date but had no choice but to show you love to show how much I cared about you guys but now looking at you makes my skin crawl from inside. Now I know why you guys were born idiot.... you both kind of resemble your mother wonders why she believed whatever I said to her.

And don't worry some way or the other I will find a way to get back to you guys to get back what is mine and make sure that none of you live peacefully............. She said with hatred in her voice while Tania Stepped in front and slapped her hard across the face.

The police stepped in between stopping Tania from slapping her for the second time but I felt like slapping her myself.

But Mrs. Dixit started laughing again...... You know all these years I had to go through shit because of you......... She pointed at joy.

And you know what you should be happy that your mother passed away when you were young... at least she didn't have to go through what I had gone through because of your craziness. You should be happy that you mother didn't have to suffer because of your insanity and only if you were not born then it would have been much easier for me to live with you guys but at the same time if you were not born then manipulating your dad would have been a bit hard for me..... she started laughing again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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