ch- 21

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God I am so tired, I don't even have the  energy to do something else.
I went near the bed and dumped myself...face first.

    The next day I again went to Jivan's house.....but my hands were shaking to open the door to his room.
    You know you can not stand the whole day out side my door......came his voice.
   How did he got to know that I was standing outside...I thought.
   Eehhh eehhhh eehhh  I smiled showing my teeth.

Come inside and start making the notes....he signalled me sitting on the bed wearing glasses.
    He looked at the notes I had given him yesterday and gave me a fresh copy.

Now start writing........

I have been sitting in his study table for at least two hours and my bum is sore.
And I am hungry......
      I am hungry....I told him but to my surprise he was sleeping.
Yes this is my chance to take a break.

   I got up from the chair and stretched myself like a cat.
I got downstairs and asked the maid to make some French toast and carrot juice.

After eating I went back up.....he was still sleeping.

   Hmmm I would like to make some evil was inside my brain.

Taking my lipstick and other make up products I sat on the bed and started to make my master piece.
    Few times in the middle he changed his sleeping position.
I thought he would wake up but he slept like a log.

I was finally over with making fresh notes so I got up and took a picture of my beautiful master piece.
     I tried to take his pictures from different angles........and suddenly a hand came and took my phone away.

What are you doing.....he asked in his sleepy voice.
   Nothing....I was doing nothing....

He looked at the screen and saw the picture.
    He looked at me and back at the screen..... and then he touched his face.

I slowly and steadily snatched my phone away and dashed away from his room.

     One my way down I bumped into Jivan.....

Why are you running.....

No time, just go and check onto you friend and you will get you answer.......and then I ran away.

    I reached my home but couldn't stop laughing....I clutched my stomach and laugh even louder.


Jivan entered my room....
Why was she running away like that......he stopped and looked at me.

Aahhhhh.......he screamed. What have you done to my friend, who are you ? Where is Dev........

Stop it's me....I said annoyed.

Wait you sound like Dev.....and as if realisation hit him.....

Omg ..... you is this ...
I  mean.....this is you....and then he started to laugh.

Miss Bose.....I screamed in my head.
You will pay for this.

    But she didn't showed up at all.

It has been days and I have started to walk again but it will take time to heal completely.
     I still have bandages on my back and arms. need a haircut.

Why everything is fine with my hairs.

You might have not noticed it yet but the hairs at the back of your head has been cut by the doctor's.

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