ch- 28

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The farewell party is so amazing and everyone seems so happy, but I on the other hand ............. is feeling just the opposite.  I feel sad or more precisely I am kinda lost. And right now there are two kinds of people are looking at me....... one with lust in their eyes and the other glaring at me. And I am struggling to find a spot to sit as all the seats are occupied by the other students who arrived first at the party. Aaaaaaa.......... my heels are killing me. So instead of standing at one place, I walked towards the drinks section and picked up a glass of virgin mojito . As for my dress which was sweeping the floor behind me looked dame good on my body.............. and if you think that I am complementing myself then you are right....... I am complementing myself and I love to do it. Why to hide the truth when you know it yourself.  As for now I will just drink the virgin mojito and walk around............. everyone around me is so excited. I could see girls dragging their boyfriends around the party trying to find a perfect spot to click a picture. Others are standing in their friend circle discussing about their future plans............. I went a bit deeper into the party, places where you find those couples hovering over each other and sucking their partners face. Seems like I came to the wrong place............... and I should just turn around and go somewhere else.
         And this place feels so congested........... I need some fresh air, so I went up on the terrace and looked down from there. People are entering, some of them holding hands. After spending some time alone I went back to the party........ everyone was dancing, girls moving their hips from side to side and boys trying to stop their girls from doing so.......... dramatic, isn’t it. My drink was almost over and I was hungry now, so without wasting anymore time I pushed the crowd from the middle to get there but got caught in the middle of the dance floor. And then someone caught my hand and dragged me out of there................... after getting out of their I looked at the person. I didn’t even had to look at his face, only by seeing his shoes I got to know who it was. So I turned around to get away from him...........
Are you trying to get away from me...........
No, I am just going to get something to eat that’s it.......
But I feel like you are trying to avoid me..........
     Focus ..... sona focus.............   “no I am not trying to avoid you, and anyway even if I am trying to avoid you then what is the problem........... am I not a pain in ass for you ha......
Okkkkk then why don’t you just look me in the eyes............
    Look I am very hungry and if you don’t let me get my food then I will kick you in the balls............... I warned him and turned to leave. But just like a movie scene got stopped by him as he pulled me back...... and now I was facing him. What is your problem ha......... just let me go and stop holding my hand.... I’m not your girlfriend.
So you are telling me that I can only hold your hand if I was your boyfriend......... he said. I don’t know why but his expression looked a bit different from other days.
   What is wrong with him........... he is not even drunk then why is he behaving so strange today. Is he sick........... I touched my other hand to his forehead, but he was fine.
What are you doing.....? he asked.
    Tell me.... did you eat something wrong.......... ?
The look on his face said that he was annoyed by my questions.......... and within few seconds ...... he bought his face close to mine, close enough that my heart started to beat fast and to add more to it.... it was beating loud.
     I could see him smile.... but it was there for few seconds as it faded away and got replaced by a serious look.   
And then he shifted away from me and created some space between us, and I was glad he did cause his closeness made me weak..............
   Do you like me.......?
And now I was going crazy........ I was happy and nervous at the same time..............
 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. fuck I will go nuts. My power to control my expression is gone, and I can feel my face turning red. My face is becoming hot, and forget about my heart............ it has left my body and ran away as it couldn’t take the pressure anymore.
       What should I tell him........... what should I tell him.........
Then why was your heart beating so fast.............?
I really don’t want to look at his face, so instead I looked down.
Look at me Sonakshi, I am speaking to you. Are you falling for me?
Listen mister....... my name is Sonakshi Bose ok, SONAKSHI BOSE and I don’t fall for anyone but people fall for me..... get it.
   Right now my pride became bigger as it suppressed my feelings.
Look it’s clear from your expression that you have fallen for me.... but let me tell you something, I really don’t have time for this and you should too concentrate on you studies or else you ticket to America will be gone forever................... he said walking past me while I was still looking down.
I raised my head back up........ did he just rejected me?????????????????
Who do you think you are ha, I don’t like you and will never fall for an idiot like you............... I said turning around but he was already gone. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................. I hate you I hate you I hate you. Maybe the Sona inside me like you, but Sonakshi Bose will never fall for you.............

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