ch- 6

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Aaahhhh....I shouted and turned off the alarm clock on the bed side table.

The college starts at 8:00 and gets over at 1:30 in the afternoon.
I looked at the clock and it is already 7:15 that means I am not late..... Hhaa I sighed.
For the very first time in my life I woke up on time.
I got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth.
I came out with just a towel and stood in front of the mirror, well this room also has a mirror and it was long enough to admire my lower body .
I looked at my abs and smiled at myself cause only I know how hard I worked to get them.

I opened my closet and looked at my clothes to find something suitable to wear.
A grey tshirt and a dark blue jeans of ankle length. Before coming over here I did some shopping too and bought a pair of white shoes.

I got ready and hung my bag onto my shoulder.
Locking the door of my room, I walked down the stairs and out of the building. On my way to the college I looked at everyone around me and felt a bit nervous.
After entering the college I went to the reception that was right beside the gate.

Uuummm I am Dev Dixit can... I couldn't complete my words as the receptionist bought her hand towards me. I handed over the certificate to her and after a couple of minutes she gave me an identity card with my daily schedule.

I looked at it and the first class was of really accounts that also on the very first period.
But I can't do anything about it so I went towards my class. On my way I checked my watch and it was 7:55 .

As I entered the classroom, very few  students were sitting inside the class .
I looked around and took a seat on the first bench next to the window.
    After sometimes the teacher entered the classroom and the class started.
It was break time and everyone was on their way to the canteen.
I took the tray of food and looked around and found an empty place near the glass panel .
I sat down and looked outside the glass to see students sitting outside on the garden and eating food together.
I started munching on my food and suddenly heard "Mr. Senior ", I looked up and saw Jivan coming towards me .
"Can we sit down with you and have our food ,please " he said with pleading eyes, looking towards his friends.
Ofcourse, even I can use some company...I said smiling.

They sat down in the opposite side with their food.
So Mr. Senior you didn't even made a single friend yet did you ? Jivan asked
To which I nodded my head and kept eating my food.
So let me introduce my friends to you then.... he said and turned towards his left , this is Rohan and this is Alina my two besties.

Hi I said to both of them,
So tell me something about this college..I asked them .

We eat and spoke a bit about the students and the teachers....
But this talk was short

Someone came and banged a hand on the table " how you dare to sit on this table it's my place " the voice said.

I didn't bother to look up at the person and kept on eating my food but from the corner of my eyes I saw Jivan and his friends getting up from their seats.
Hey you... I said get up it's my place .

I looked around the table and under the table and the voice said again "what are you searching for ha, get the fuck out of here ".
Now I looked up to see a giant guy staring at me with anger eyes.
But I don't see your name written on this table..I said to him with a smirk on my face.
And suddenly he grabbed me by my collar and pulled me towards him , he raised his hand to punch me on my face.
I closed my eyes for the impact but before his hand collided with my face
" you stop fighting or else I will call your father Mr. Raj ".

I opened my eyes and looked behind him and saw a senior teacher standing there.
The guy left my collar while pushing me a bit " I will deal with you later " he said and left , he was followed by some of his friends I guess.

I sat down and started eating my food again,
Do you know what you just did and do you even know who he was... Jivan said with a terrified expression.

Umm nope and I don't care who he is...I said .
He was Raj Arora and his father is the second largest donor of this college and a very powerful businessman.
You shouldn't have answered him back, now he will just make  you one of his enemies.

The bell rang indicating that break time was up, so I got up from my place to get back to my class.
I waved my hand at Jivan and walked out of that place but one thing I noticed,  the whole canteen was staring at me .

The college ended and I went back to the boys hostel.
I entered my room and saw Jivan pacing around the room.

What happened, everything alright... I asked him.
You have no idea what you have done,  and on the very first day of your college you made enemies instead of friends..he said.
By the way I liked the way you answered him back cause no one in this college has the power to do that
But this can cost you a lot ,you can even lose your scholarship .

Don't worry about me ,I will be fine...I smile at him.
I turned around and went to my study table and sat down .

Ok Mr. Senior tell me one thing, who gave you the scholarship....he asked.

Mr. Anil Bose...I said while opening my shoes,  but why are you asking me this.

"Thank God" he said while looking up , you are luckily lucky that you received your scholarship from Mr. Anil Bose. He is the largest donor and one of the directors of the college....he sighed.

Ok Mr. Junior where is my chocolate pastry I guess you remember. He shakes his head " I will go and get it for you ".
He got out of the room and I smiled at the kid and shaking my head I went inside the washroom.

After a long shower I got out and saw Jivan studying on his study table.
He turned his head towards me and looked at my naked abs,
You're sure you want to eat the pastry...he said with a questioning look.
Ofcourse I will, I said while extending my hand and he gave me the plate of chocolate pastry .

I must say that you workout a lot..

No I don't and yes I did worked hard to get this abs and my fast metabolism is also the reason why I can have all this food.


Dont be sad the heroin is coming to the college ❤

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