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Mrs. Dixit came back and we went to the restaurant of her choice............

Isn't it beautiful ..... she said to me and I looked around the place. It really was beautiful and had eye catching design. The waiter came and showed us our table, we sat down and they provided us with menu cards. We ordered our food and waited of it arrive, and few minutes later they gave us our starters..... 

We were having normal conversation ........ like she asked how my studies were going, which I thought was the behaviour of a typical Indian aunty..... still I answered. If Joy keeps on teaching me then I guess I will be doing good......I said and smiled at the thought of Joy teaching me. He indeed is a very strict teacher........ the only time when he lets me get up from there is when I want to pee or he was done for the day. I can only imagine how much his students would hate him if he becomes a teacher.

 I heard that you have been included in a very important project............. she said and I nodded my head.

Yes aunty...... and do you know, to enter the company of my own father I had to go through the process of Interview........ I sighed and she smiled at me.

This is how it works, you have to deal with it until you become the CEO or the director of the company. So what are your plans to become the CEO of the company.............

I really don't see myself in that position........... It's better for my father to handle the company, cause I don't want to become a zombie, and I really love my social life............I said while eating. And I would like to go back to my real life........... I thought in the back of my head.

She just laughed and nodded her head side ways.

And it just went just like that............... I was having my Ice cream, when she suddenly said.....

It must have been very hard for you to live without your mom......... I stopped eating.

I knew your mom very well..... she was a very kind hearted and an emotional woman................. she said and I could feel my eyes giving up on holding onto my tears.

Sorry....... I didn't want to make you cry......... she said getting up from her chair and hugged me. She wiped my tears and handed me a tissue. Please tell me more about my mom.......... I looked up at her........

She went back and started to speak again....... I met her when she came to America, we became really close........... she was a very good human being and she was the best of all the friends I had till date. We were like that for many years but then both of us got married and slowly slowly we stopped meeting each other........

After one year of my marriage I got pregnant and then Joy was born but when we saw his condition..... I had to take him with me away for his mental condition. And after that I wasn't in touch with your mom........ And then one day I get to hear this news.

She looked at me with worried eyes..... are you ok..... she asked?

On our way back home... she dropped me at my home. Look Sonakshi... whenever you feel like you are under pressure or stress and want to get a warm hug...... just remember me and come to me...ok and never think that you are alone, cause I am always there for you.

I nodded my head and waved at her.......... maybe this was the reason for her to be extra good to me and treat me with such care. Only if I knew about it, then I would have never thought wrong about her..........


All of us were sitting in the class and as the class got over and there was still time for the next professor to come. Lola and Julia got up and walked out of the class...........

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