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Finally it was that time when all the bad sprites get out of their den to search for good human being like me and kill them and make the death of that person look like they did suicide or something. But still I gathered the courage to open the door of my room and enter the dark world..... I mean my dark house. The only source of light was my phones flash light. 

Slowly I reached the library and entered inside. There is his laptop........ I said sitting on the chair, switching it on. AAaaaaaaahhhhh password.....why do I get this feeling that god is giving me signals to stop whatever I'm doing. But I won't, so I searched for the password because I know that the one thing my dad is worst at is remembering passwords.

I looked for the password in the files, drawers, notebooks........... but it was not there. I won't be able to find it in this manner. I have to think like my father..... if I would have been in his place then where would I have written it. 

If I do work and meetings all day long......... I will be tired and it's obvious. So when I sit down on this chair to do some of my personal work....... I will try to make myself comfortable, and do less amount of movement. If I was in his place then I would have hidden it very near to the P.C because I don't want to get up and search for the book where I have written it. 

It means that the password is written somewhere right here........but where, I have searched all the places. Where could my dad possibly have written it down. And then my eyes fell on the P.C......... no way, it can't be...... I flipped the P.C upside down.

And there it was written on the surface of the other side of it. I might have taken some good traits from my dad too. It opened and now it was time to do my research and I hope I find something. I looked through all the folders but didn't found anything........wait a minute, I can search for it in the recycle bin, what if he hasn't removed it from there. 

And as I guessed... there was a folder named DD. What could DD stand for.............. Dev Dixit... my inner voice said. As I clicked on the folder.......... there were almost thirty files saved in it. 

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door. Ooo no...... is it the evil sprit, did it got to know that I am here. 

Who's in the library?.......... it was my dad. I quickly closed the P.C without shutting it down and hide under the desk. The door opened and dad came in, he switched on all the lights.......I went further inside. 

I think I heard noise coming from here......

After few seconds he turned off all the lights and closed the door. I think he was gone, But still I waited there for few minutes so that he goes back to his room. Slowly getting out of there and taking out the pen drive from my pajamas, I opened the P.C again and inserted it. 

It took ten minutes to copy all the files.... and after that I tip-toed back to my room.

I looked at the pen drive in my hand and smiled, I will check the files lets go back to sleep. But before that I have to hide it in a place where no one can find it.

I looked around, searching for a suitable place to hide it. And then my eyes fell on the drawer next to my bed.  Yes I can hide it there........ So I took a double side cello tap and cut out a small piece, sticking it to the upper surface of the drawer and then attached the pen drive to the other side of the cello tap.

No one will ever find it........and I went back to sleep.

The next day after coming back from the class I still had some time in my hand, almost an hour before I leave for office. I thought of checking the files so I opened the drawer and touched the upper surface.

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