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Thank god...... you are not gay. I thought that you will bring a husband for yourself instead of a wife..... she sighed. 
    And I thought that I will get a son in law in place of a daughter in law........she said placing one hand on her chest. But promise me one thing........... she had a serious look on her face. You will never do something that makes it hard for you to come back to us.
Like what....... I said laughing.
She looked away as if hiding something, and then looked back........ like marring a white girl, cause she won’t let you come back to us and keep you there with her forever.
I laughed even more,.......... mami no white girl will fall for me cause they will be getting nightmares from you.
Are you guys done talking or should the plane just take off without you.............. mama shouted at us. Yess... yess.... we’re coming......... mami said and signalled me to walk back with her.
Don’t worry mama the plane won’t take off without me............ I said but Internally I thought “ it took me so many years, the plane dare not take off without me”.
I bent down and touched his feet, he was feeling a bit uneasy to keep his hand on my head infront of everyone, but I knew he was wishing me all the best for the life that lies ahead of me. I got back up, waved them all and took a good look at their faces. And now it’s time for me to leave them......... I smiled the brightest smile and walked in through the security check. Once in.... there was no turning back.
I boarded the plane, asking the airhostess where my seat was..... she pointed at the middle row. The plane took off, and I could see little children near the window seat looking through the glass panel,..........
I felt a bit sad........ I also wanted to see the cloud and the setting sun. Not everyone gets the chance to get on an airplane, and even if they get the chance but don’t get the window seat........ that hurts. Guess I have to grab my chance............ one day, and I have no idea when that day will come.

It was night and they served us our dinner........ well, it looked pretty good and they tasted ten out of ten. This is my first time on a plane and I really want to keep this memory with me forever. I want to stay awake the whole night but my eyes betrayed me.
Hello...... this is you pilot speaking......... I said while turning the steering of the plane a bit. We will be landing soon, so please put on your seat belts. The view was amazing, as if I was on the sea of clouds.
I was enjoying the view but suddenly my crew member started to shake me lightly. Stop.......
Stoppppppppp............. I yelped and opened my eyes.
Sir please put on your seatbelt, we are about to land........... the airhostess said. Oooo....... I said and fasten my seatbelt. The plane landed and then slowly stopped. The passengers started to get off and I followed them. After entering the airport I realised that mami was correct....... it is like a WHOLE DIFFERENT PLANER FOR ME. I took in a deep breath and then released from my mouth. I followed the other passengers and reached a place where people waited for their bags to arrive from under the vent. I did the same and waited. It took just few minutes for my bags to arrive. I collected them and followed the direction of exit. Finally I stepped my foot on the land of New York. Outside the exit door there were people standing with a board, on which the name of the people were written for whom they have been waiting. I searched for my name but couldn’t find it.
I did get a message from the university that one of the students will be coming at the airport to get me. I again roamed my eyes around.... but no, my name was nowhere to be found. Maybe the person who was suppose to get me is late. 
Why is anyone not coming, like I have been standing here for two hours.......... fucking two hours. Why I feel like that person just got the reason to bunk the class and here I am waiting for that person who I guess is having fun right now. I will just send another Email to the university.
I was about to hit the send button but then I noticed this girl fanning herself with a board, with my mane on it.
Excuse me............ I said as I walked towards her. Are you waiti...................
Look mister, I don’t want to break your nose and hit you in the crotch okkk. I have been waiting for someone and that person has not arrived yet. And the heat is killing me already..... so get the fuck out of here............. she said and kept on fanning herself.
Well I am the person you have been waiting for, hi.. I’m d................ I couldn’t complete as she started to hit me with the board.
Stop... stop.... sto...... aaaahhh......... araaaa stop............    and within few seconds a crowd gathered around us.
What happened young this man bothering you........ an old man said with an accent, you know what I mean.... the American accent. Should I call the cops......... was the next thing he said. And if I don’t stop this stupid girl than my future will end before it starts.
    I am DEV DIXIT THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN WATING FOR, AND MY NAME IS WRITTEN ON THE BOARD................. I shouted on top of my lungs. She stopped beating me and then looked at the board and then looked back at me....... ‘ what if you are just trying to escape the situation by taking help of the name’.............. she said and was about to beat me, but before that could happen... I stepped back and took out my passport and opened it infront of her face.
Ooooooooo................ she said hiding her embarrassed face from me. Ooppsssseeee Sorry ............... so you are the one.
As soon as she said it, the crowd started to disappear slowly.
I’m so sorry, like I’m really really sorry........ please believe me I didn’t know......but why I am the one saying sorry  even though it ain’t my fault. You are the one who came late.......... she folded her arms.

Do you know how long I have been standing here.......... and why are you showing me your anger.... ha, you are the one who was busy fanning yourself. You should have just stood infront of the exit gate with the board...........

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry...........ok. look I have said five times sorry, now can we drop the discussion. Now follow me........... she said while walking out of the airport, and I shook my head...... seems like this is the way of welcoming someone in this country.
We got into the taxi and left for my new home where I will be staying for the next two years.
By the way, hi.... I’m Julia and you are....... she looked at me. I raised my eyebrow at her, like really she is asking my name after doing that me.
Ooooo ofcorse you are Dev Dixit...... ha ha sorryyyyyyy............ she said extending the last part. So you are a scholarship student...... I’m really not interested in talking to her but still nodded my head.
Let me tell you something....... there are a bunch of assholes whom we call ‘elites’ and you better be careful of them.  They are the hairs of their parents business. And they get what they want, whenever the want..... money is like water to them, and they spend it in a way the normal people like us would think thousand times before spending it................. are you getting what I said ..... she asked.
I nodded my head and indicating her to keep going.
So where was I.... ha, money is like water to them, they can even wash hands with it if they want to. Few years ago our classes got mixed up, like before we used to have separate classes for students like us and  separate classes for Elites. And this happened cause the pass out elites when entered the business world, they lacked in skill and performance or more specifically if I say it “ they were dumb”. But not all of them, as forty out of hundred were good at everything....... like everything, whether it was sports or studies, whatever they did..... they did their best. But the parents of the rest of the sixty percent were not satisfied and demanded that the class should get mixed up cause they knew that our class was the best in academics and were great in the field of business. So now we have elites studying in our class and the past few years have been hard for us and it still is. We can’t even do anything about it as they will become the future owners of the business we will be working for. And as you are an Indian, it will be hard for you to survive. So you better be invisible, like a rock. Just ignore whatever they say about you and stay out of their business.......... that’s all for now cause if I say all at once, then it will be hard for you to digest............ she smiled and then looked at front.
How long will it take to reach the university from the place I will be staying at?
Not much as our p.g is at a distance of one hour walk.
Whatttttttt........ one hour.
Yeah..... one hour..... why, what’s wrong..... she said casually looking back at me. Cause most of us walk to the university, you just have to wake up early in the morning.
Ooooo look we almost reached our p.g .................. I looked outside and saw series of houses side by side having the same kind of design and colour.
Look that one is ours.......... she pointed at a similar looking house and its only land mark is a pine tree.
I got down from the taxi and took a deep breath.......... the air feels so fresh, and the surrounding was so amazing.
Look we’ve got a new roommate........ I looked up and a boy was hovering over the window of first floor. And then few more faces could be seen........ and it took them just few seconds to come and stand infront of me. I could see that all of them were from different countries.
Guys please can we go inside and then do the greeting part, I’m really tired and it’s very hot outside.......... Julia said fanning herself with the board again. Ok ok...... let’s go........ one of them said and took my bags from my hand and went inside. Wow!............... I didn’t knew people over here are like this.
Don’t even think that everyone over here is like us........ Julia said sadly. Julia...... not now, we can tell him later......... another girl said. After that I followed them inside the house.
It was not that big but enough for students like us who came all the way from their home country to study here. On the left side was a small sitting area with a small TV and a couch, on the right hand there was kitchen near the window and a dining table for six. From the middle where I was standing was a gap separating the kitchen from the sitting area, and the path extended a bit more and then reached the stairs............. but before I examined a bit more about the place, a boy pulled me from the front and another one pushed me from the back and made me sit on the couch and then all of them stood infront of me.
Introduce yourself....... Julia said to me.
Hi..... I am Dev Dixit and I came from India to complete my MBA............ I paused for a bit and looked at their faces, and the look on their face said....” tells us more about yourself”.
Uuummmm ..... IIIi........ I am a scholarship student........... that’s it.
Ok, that will do. You already know me but still I will say it once again with a little bit briefing........
Hi, I’m Julia Jackson and everyone calls me JJ and I am an American......... she said and looked to her left.
Hi, I’m Lee Chang Wook, popularly known as wook and I came from korea. If you need any suggestions on kpop or kdrama then just call my name out loud and I will appear infront of you......... a boy said whom I thought as a Chinese or Japanese guy.
Hi, I’m Murat------------ I’m from turkey and I play foot ball for our university, if you are interested in foot ball and want to join the team then do the same as Wook said..........  
As for me .... I am Lola James and you better be careful from the elites, I guess Julia explained it all to you. And I am an American.
They all introduced themselves........ so only five of us will be living in this house?........ I asked cause I remember Jivan telling me that the p.g’s in foreign countries.... especially in America are very congested. there are more, you will meet them in the evening when they come back from the college.........Lola said.   Now Wook and Murat please take him to your room and please clean the room cause the last time I went to room to get my books back.......... It was smelling the like hell........... Lola said scrunching her nose.
Yes mam as you wish.... Wook saluted her and then took my bags to the upper floor, I followed him and was followed by Murat. Here we are our room..... they both said as we all stood infront of the door which I guess was the door to out room that I will be shearing with them. They slowly opened the room and the first thing I got was the awful smell of something. I don’t know what it was, so I covered my nose.
Oooo sorry for the inconvenience........... Murat said as he went inside the room and took the days old pizza from under the bed and threw it out of the window........ I was so shocked.
I know that you are shocked but come here and take a look then you will understand............... Murat said. I did as he said and went inside...... what now... I said.
Look down....... he said standing near the window. I looked down and understood what happened to the Pizza box. There was a dustbin right down next to the window, wow......... I thought and then nodded my head looking back at them. Well the room is a mess but when it gets cleaned, it will look good.
Can you guys help me clean the room..... Murat said looking at Wook and then back at me and we both nodded our heads. After we were done cleaning the room, Lola called us from downstairs....... guys the food is ready come down and have it, especially Dev you.... you must be hungry.
Yes I am........ I said and looked back at them but they were playing rock –paper- scissors.....
What are you doing........... I asked them and they looked at me with an expression that said “ oooo you are here too”......
Look....... we are betting on Lola and Julia, and we are betting on who made the food. If Lola made the food then it’s ok but if Julia made the food then I guess we have to order pizza again.
Is it so bad........ I asked scared of the thought, I had to suffer a lot because of Julia and I don’t want to suffer anymore. You will see.... Wook said looking at me with worried eyes. We went down together and I can already tell that it was something delicious, and I could hear the two of them breathing out.
We are all in the same class...... Julia said while chewing her food. Wait a second........ we all are from...........
Yes, we all are from the same batch and the same course and we also will be classmates........ Wook said happily while completing my sentence.
So when will the classes start from......... I asked looking up at Julia.  After two days...... she said.


After getting off at the airport, I took in a deep breath......... haaaaaa I am back, and I am free.
Don’t be so excited... you have a long way to go....... dad said ruining my mood.
What do you mean I have a long way to go, I just came back from India and did whatever you asked for.......... I had a serious look on my face.
For now we will be visiting the company and then only your schedule can be decided.....
Schedule for what?   ............ I asked as we walked out of the airport.
You will see....... was my dad’s simple and the most used answer to all of my questions. He likes to keep the important part as a suspense.
After we got to the company, my dad’s manager greeted us at the entrance. She must be your Daughter sir.......... he said looking at my father and then back at me.
Yes, and now she is your responsibility.... I have some work to do, so take her and make her understand everything........ he looked at his manager and then entered with his p.a leaving me with his manager.
Follow me ............. he said and I did as I was said. We took the elevator and reached the third floor of the building. This is my first time coming inside the company, like before I used to just have a look at the exterior of the building from the outside while going to my school. Well..... the inside is just as good as the exterior, both complementing eachother.
Sit down............ he said pointing at the chair opposite side of the desk, right now we were in a office room which I guess is his. I sat down and he too sat down on his chair,
Well... you did heard what your father said right now that you are my responsibility from now on, so whatever you do in this company will be under my supervision. And you have to maintain some rules and regulations to work here....... he said, as if I came by myself to work in this company..... I thought.
Number one... you cannot revel that you are Mr. Bose’s daughter.
Second.... you will do things according to my order and nothing out of it.
Third..... you have to be very cooperative with your co-workers and I should not get any complains from them....... that’s it.
Okkkkkkk.... anything more......... I said nodding my head.
Yesss... you will be having an interview after three days so start preparing.....
I raised my eyebrow at him to say the things he still has to say.
You can go home now........... he said turning back on his chair.
What kind of questions will be asked in the interview............ but he didn’t answer. Come on.... do I have to give an interview to get into my dad’s company, like really........ I said.
And now he turned back towards me.....
Do you know how many apply for the Interview but we reject more than seventy percent just by looking at their resumes and here you are getting a chance to give an interview without even applying for it......... he moved his head in disappointment. You have a thing called internet, so use it....... he said and waved his hand telling me to go.
I turned around to leave....
And ,one more thing........ he said. You must pass the interview........ he said with a cold gaze.  And it did gave me goosebumps all over my body.
I came back home and as I entered my room, it gave me those old vibes. I missed my room so much......
After taking a shower I got on the bed....... oooo my bed... my fluffy fluffy bed, I missed you more than anything....... I said to the empty room and dumped myself in the middle of my pillows. Now I feel that what our ancestors said was true.....” there is no place like home”.
After taking a long nap I woke up and realized that I have a Interview to give after three days, and the best part is that I don’t know what type of questions they will be asking. And on top of that I have to pass the interview............. I could feel his cold gaze over me till now. Wake up Sona...... I shook my head and slapped my cheeks. And then my search began.
After searching for hours and going through a lot of videos talking about how to give an interview and all that, in the middle of which I took occasional breaks to check the IG and going downstairs to bring my food and stayed there and looked at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.  And the day went by just like that. Me,... doing nothing at all.
I woke up the next morning and the first thing I did was call Christine.......
What is it....... she said with a sleepy voice.
Sona-I need your help.
C- Help in what?
Sona- help me with my interview......
Ok..... call me later, I’m sleeping right now.
I will come at you place...... I said and ended the call. She might have some knowledge. So after having my breakfast, I went straight to her home. The maid opened the door and was shocked to see me.
Where is she.... I asked the maid and she pointed upwards. I walked in her room and she was still asleep.
Heyyyyy wake up..... I said shaking her. Sam.... don’t shake me, let me sleep and why are yo................ she suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at me. It’s you... is it really you........ she said as she took my face into her hands and moved it from side to side.
Yes it’s me and do you even remember what I said to you.......... I looked at her. Sam.......... you are back, just... just pinch me. It’s not a dream right, you are really here. And then she jumped on me and chocked me. Christine..... chri..... loosen your grip...or else I’ll chock to death.
No problem, we’ll both die together and go to the heaven....... she said happily tightening her grip around my neck. I used both my hands and pushed her back. Aaaaaa...... let me hug you....... she complained. I finally managed to pull her away from me.......
Cough! .... cough!.......... I grasped for air and then looked back at her. This is not called hugging, it’s chocking a person to death........... I said breathing heavily.
Ooofff now I am alright...... teach me how to pass an interview.
Wow!...... you won’t even ask me ..... who you have been?...or..... I missed you very much...
Well to me you look like, you are in the best state of yours and I didn’t missed you at all........... I lied.
She laughed looking at the side and then back at me........... even I didn’t miss you at all..... now tell me what kind of interview you are talking about.
I need to pass the interview and work in my dad’s company......and don’t ask me why do I have to give an Interview to enter the company that also which belongs to my dad.....
Why do you have to give an interview?........
You never listen to what I say, do help me out first.
First of all...................................................
I passed the interview and the other tests............ well it was harder than I thought it would be.
Ha ha....... I laughed looking at the manager. You thought that I wouldn’t be able to pass the interview, right....... I asserted.
Yes I did thought you won’t be able to pass but you did a good job and one more thing, you have to show respect to me as well as all the other heads and your co-workers cause starting from now... you are a part of this company.
Yes sir.......
You may go now...... he waved his hand.
I opened the office door to leave...
I looked back at him...
Yesssssss sir...... I stressed the sss.
Go and meet your father, he asked for you. Ok sir........ I said and got out of his office.   

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