ch- 16

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The next day as I was walking through the corridor, every single person present over there was looking at me.

Like they were staring at me, god knows why, and then I started to feel awkward.

Is there something on my face, or is there  something wrong with my dress.

Guess I will just walk straight into the class, or maybe I should just go to the washroom and check if anything is wrong with me.

I entered the washroom and looked at the mirror.
Everything is ok, nothing is wrong with me, then why were they looking at me like that.

      Meanwhile a boy came out from one of the doors but stopped abruptly.
   He slowly came towards the sink and started washing his hands.

But he kept on looking at me from time to time.

Here you are...I was searching for you everywhere......and what are you looking at you ha..
Get out of here....

I turned around to see Jivan standing there.
The boy went out but still kept on looking at me.

I scrunched my eyebrows and asked Jivan " what is wrong with everyone , why are the looking at me as if they have never seen me".

Ofcourse you don't know but let me tell you  something" in this college news like this one spreads faster then fire".

What news are you talking about........
I had no clue .

You my dear are in grave danger....he will come back to you but this time he won't be in a group of five, he will bring at least fifteen to twenty people.

Wait what are you talking about ..
Who is going to bring fifteen to twenty people......I was so confused at this point of time.

You are kidding right......he asked.

No...I have no idea what are you talking about.

Godddddd...... YOU HAVE BEATEN THE SHIT OF RAJ AND YOU THINK HE WILL LET YOU GO JUST LIKE THAT............he said with a serious tone.

Oooooo okkkkk so what am I  suppose to do about it....I said casually.

You have to start making a gang of your own to fight him....

What you think I am a kid who is going to fight some college boys......

Maybe your Male ego is very confident about beating twenty people all alone or maybe you are too dumb to understand the situation.......

I turned around but I knew who it was.....
What are you doing in the boys washroom.....

   Ooo me .... I just came to say hi.....
Oommmyygood....have you shared the video to everyone in the college.....
Yoooouuu....she said while showing her cat nails ready to kill me.

And within seconds the boys washroom turned into a battlefield .
She was trying to dig her nails into my neck and I was struggling to keep her hands away from my neck without hurting her.

BOTH OF YOU STOP ...ACTING LIKE KIDS.....Jivan shouted at us.

After few minutes we were sitting in the garden .

All three of us were out of breath.....

I didn't showed the video to anyone....I said to her.

Then why was everyone looking at me like that.....

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