ch- 11

351 27 3

Dev Dixit

The class ended and for the next class I needed some books, so I got up and left the class to fetch those books from the library.

I entered the library and asked about the required books, the middle aged woman gave me the directions.
As I turned around and the sight infront of me was the best thing I have ever seen in my whole life.
The library was amazing as if I just entered a heaven of books ,and the sitting arrangement was just like a coffee shop.

The tables were round and four chairs kept around each table.
  But sad for me cause I had to get back to class before the teacher comes.
I walked inside the library and as per the direction given by the librarian I found my books.
While I was arranging the books in my hand something caught my eyes.

I turned right,
It was there written in bold letters

And then I remembered , i need to revise some chapters of partnership.
   So I looked through the racks and found it.
But it was the only one over there and I was glad that I was the first one to take it.

I looked at my watch and I have already spent five minutes over here.
I need to get back to class.

After four back to back classes it was finally lunch break.
    I sat on the usual place and then Jivan and his friends joined me at the canteen.

So did you got her number and all other information about her.....Jivan asked.

Who's number and information are you talking about......I said confused.

Raj asked for her number and you have only till tomorrow..... he said.

Ooo I remember, and again why should I be the middle man.
If he wants her number ,why not go and ask her directly and anyways
I think that she is a bit crazy.

And I guess they will be perfect for each other... I said smiling.


You don't know what you are getting yourself  into . Just do what he says and you will be safe.

What do you mean safe....Dev asked raising his eyebrows.

There are many cases but I will tell you the one which no one can forget.
      Last year only there was a boy named Shrayam Gupta,  he was a scholarship student too.
He had a girlfriend and she was a student of this college only.
  As far as I remember there was a party at Raj's house and each and every student was present over there at that day. Every one was dancing and Shrayam was dancing with his girlfriend. Out of the blue Raj came and grabbed his girlfriend's hand
    And tried to kiss her .
But before he could do anything, Shrayam punched him on his face.
He warned Raj to stay away from his girl and tried to leave the party but he was forgetting something,  It was Raj's house and before he could leave with his girlfriend
Some of the boys blocked the door and others grabbed Shrayam holding him down. And Raj started punching the shit out of that poor boy. And they took him into a room and god knows what happened to him but when the door opened, Shrayam was just wearing an underwear and nothing else. He was being dragged out from the room. And as if it was not enough of humiliation for him ,Raj force his girlfriend to kiss him but she refused .
He threatened her that he would take away her scholarship, as she was under Mr. Arora's sponsorship .

She had no other way out, so she kissed him in front of her boyfriend.
She was also forced to leave Shrayam or else she would loose her scholarship.

Raj threatened Shrayam that he would post that video which was made inside the room if he didn't leave the college on his own.

That day he lost his girlfriend and college. 
The next day he left the college and went far away from here.

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