Late night messages.

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Haru: Things with his s/o had been getting progressively worse sense his s/o had moved out of the county. They never saw each other anymore, only through the screen of a mobile device. The distance was taking a huge impact on both of their lives. Haru couldn't focus on his school work or swimming and his s/o couldn't focus on their studies. Haru had been sleeping peacefully when he heard his phone go off on his bedstand. It was morning where his s/o was, so he suspected it was just a good morning call. He picked up the phone and let the screen illuminate the room. He stared in silence at the symbol at the top of the screen. It wasn't a call it was a text. He opened it, dreading what it would say. "Haru? I know you're not awake and I'm sorry if this series of texts wakes you up but I need to get this over with. It's been bugging me so much that I cant even focus anymore. I think we both would be better off if we ended what we have going on." Haru's heart dropped into his stomach but he continued to read the message. "Don't take this too hard okay? None of this is your fault. I just really can't handle being away from you. Especially being in a different country. I want to be next to you, not be staring at you through a screen. I really hope you understand. See you soon..." The text ended off with her signature still there. "12/31/13" Two years they had been together and it suddenly all came crashing down. He placed his phone down on his bed and turned his back to it. All of a sudden his body started trembling and his hand went to cover his mouth. "I'm sorry, y/n, for not being able to make this work." He fell asleep that night with his heart feeling like an empty vessel. And he thought that nothing could ever fix that.

Makoto: "Baby? Can you see me?" The screen was blank on Makoto's laptop. Suddenly their beautiful face popped up on the screen and a smile instantly coated his face. "Yeah, I can see you perfectly fine. Did you just get home from practice? I'm sorry. I'm still not used to the time difference." Their features lightened as they stared at the screen inspecting his still wet hair and shirtless body. "It's no problem." Just two weeks ago his s/o had moved to Paris. Back to their home town. He was excited for them seeing as they finally got to be with their family again. They would be much happier their. He often got lonely without them staying the night anymore but the fact they were both very willing to keep their relationship going was good enough for him. He watched as his s/o grabbed a pillow resting it on their lap. "You look exhausted baby, we don't need to do this right now." They shook their head. "No. We are staying on this camera until you tell me all about your week. I really miss being able to go to your house everyday and have you explain to me these things." He sighed. "Five more weeks and you'll be back in these arms." They smiled at the camera. "True." They replied. Makoto sat on camera with them for two hours after that explaining to his partner all about his day and watching as they grew progressively more tired. They eventually both fell asleep on camera with each other but not before they shared a kiss through the camera and exchanged 'I love yous'.

Nagisa: "I'm not doing this with you anymore." His s/o said to him as they stood up from the couch. "Every single day I come over here trying to make things better and you always seem to fuck things up again. You're just so childish, Nagisa. I can't do it anymore." His s/o grabbed their bags from the floor and walked to the door. "Call me when you've matured a bit and then we can talk about fixing this but for now we're over." Nagisa watched as they left the room, slamming the door behind them. His heart beat uncontrollably for what seemed like forever until he processed what was actually happening. They had broken up with him. They were gone. He shook his head. No. He couldn't let the best thing that ever happened to him walk out of his life. An hour passed after his s/o had left the house. He picked up his phone and sent them a quick text. "Look I know I can be a childish brat and I'm sorry for that. But I swear if you just give me one more chance. I'll be better." Not even seconds later his phone lit up from a call. It was them. They spent the next hour talking over what could be done to save their relationship but there was so much. His s/o sighed into their phone. "It it even worth it?" They replied into the phone after a statement Nagisa said. His heart stopped. This was it. This was really it. It was over for them and he knew it. "Nagisa I've had so much fun over this last year we've been together but lately it's just not the same. You're antics have started to get on my nerves and honestly I just find it annoying." Nagisa tried to come up with words to say to them but only silence came out. "So this it?" He finally said. He wouldn't have been surprised if they could hear his heart snapping through the line. "Yeah." The simply replied. He heard a soft sniffle on the other end of the line before the line went dead. He held the phone to his ear for a little longer knowing that this might as well be the last time he got a call from the one he loved. He threw his phone to the other side of the bed and laid down. Tears streamed down his face until the early morning.

Ever since the breakup his s/o had not even looked at him. To this day his heart still yearns for the day he could wrap his arms around their delicate body again.

Rei: "Y/n? Its three in the morning? Whats going on?" His friend could be heard sniffling through the other line. "They broke up with me Rei. They finally did it." Rei sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Are you okay?" He replied. He already knew the answer but maybe they just needed to get it off their chest. "No, I'm not. I feel like this is my fault. I've been doing so many other things that I barely paid any attention to them and I just." The crying on the other line intensified as Rei grabbed his glasses from the side table and made his way out of bed. "I know its late, and I know you're probably tired but I'll be over soon. With your favorite movie and some ice cream. When I get there you can tell me everything." On the other line you could hear then shuffling things around, still sniffling frequently. "Thank you, Rei. I really need you here." His heart fluttered for some reason. Not only because he knew his true feelings for them but because now he knew that they really trusted him. When he arrived at their home they were wrapped up in a blanket, their face blotchy from crying so much. For the rest of the night they stayed curled up on their bed watching movies. Before they both drifted to sleep Rei spoke up. "Why would someone give up someone so beautiful?" His friend looked up at him and gently smiled. "..It doesn't matter because I have a beautiful friend that will go through hell for me." They rested their head on him before drifting to sleep.

// Oops. I only did iwatobi for this one. It's late where I am but I felt obliged to upload a little something. This actually made me quite upset writing it. Could you imagine little Nagisa dealing with a breakup? I'm not okay.


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