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¤ lo fucking l
¤ kill me right now or so help me god i won't survive the night
¤ i was reading through old chapters and was like, "shit never did sleepy nagisa or rei or mainly all the characters" so here we fucking are
¤ spiralling into a pit of death once again
¤ nagisa is going to be the best sleeping partner you've ever had
¤ and when I say that I'm being 400 PERCENT SARCASTIC
¤ this kid is so god damn annoying to sleep with you will want to kill him almost every night
¤ odds are one of y'all is sleeping on the god damn couch
¤ he kicks
¤ he snores
¤ he moves like a fuCKING FISH OUT OF WATER
¤ get him some help
¤ also CLINGY
¤ if he's not flipping around the bed like a beached whale he has himself 100% koalaed around your body
¤ without a doubt would drool on you
¤ he's disgusting
¤ but also very very cute
¤ if you can deal with the clingyness he's actually so adorable
¤ he'll talk about his day really excitedly when getting comfortable
¤ and ask you about yours and he'll listen y'all
¤ like he is so interested in what happened to his baby today
¤ odds are he'll probably run his fingers through your hair as you're falling asleep cause he just really likes to be touching you at all times (he loves his baby)
¤ understands he's a tough sleeper and will try to give you as much room as possible at the start
¤ when he gets sleepy he gets sentimental (omg)
¤ he'll tell you the nicest things
¤ "you're the only one for me." "I love you with all my heart and soul" "never leave me okay?"
¤ your heart will be having a fucking conflict because it'll be beating so fast
¤ he's so sweet he just loves you do much
¤ Sleepy nagisa is one of my favorite things
¤ He may be annoying but it's his way of showing affection he just REALLY LOVES YOU PLEASE GIVE HIM ATTENTION EVEN IF YOURE SLEEPY


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