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There it is again. A faded blue letter would come by her doorstep by the time she reaches home or leaves home. She doesn't mind people giving her letters, in fact, she prefers them over e-mails and short text messages. But what she minds is that the person that sends her letters doesn't even mind to shoot their letter through the mail slot at the door. It irked her greatly, nonetheless, she continued to pick them up, read them and place them beside her collection of books by the desk before she starts to study.

But every time she tried to study, she can't focus for she thinks who could be sending her letters by morning and by afternoon. She tries to avoid the fact that she has a secret admirer, but every time she would tell [Best Friend's Name] the letter, she would be convinced she has indeed a secret admirer.

She shook her head in exasperation, trying to focus on the History textbook in front of her. She bribed herself that she would be reading the letter after she finished reviewing. But she couldn't stop thinking about the letter, even if the finals are coming up, she's more focused on her love life even if it was non-existent, once she had gotten her first letter, she knew her love life is actually coming to life.

Sighing, she gave in and got the letter, inhaling the masculine scent that lingered on them. She ripped off the top of the blue envelope before pulling out the letter delicately, as if pulling it out roughly would make her room explode.
Dearest [Name],
It's been awhile since I have seen you and must I admit that you are growing lovely day by day. I know you have been busy studying for your final exams, but I just want to say that you can top those exams and I hope you are taking care of yourself. I won't keep this letter long so you can continue in studying.

Much love,

Honestly, who uses 'blue' as their code name for a love letter? [Name] chuckled at the fact that Haru would use Mackerel as his code name. She placed the letter back in its envelope and stacked it together with the other letters. She knew she shouldn't be assuming but she thinks her secret admirer is her friend's bestfriend; Sousuke. From the sloppy penmanship to the scent of perfume (No, she wasn't inhaling his scent randomly. She found out he wore the perfume the same as the letter holds by the time the Samezuka Academy swim team decided to have a joint practice with the Iwatobi boys). She sighed for the umpteenth time before leaning back onto her chair, swirling her pen around her fingers to think of more evidences Sousuke is her secret admirer.

Well, he did blushed last time we made eye contact. Also, Rin was also winking at him whenever I would converse to the both of them. [BF/N] would also convince me that it is him who keeps on giving me love letters. He would groan and tell him to shut up. It's official, he likes me too. But I can't just jump into conclusion, maybe I could ask Rin by Friday. After all, it'd be their last joint practice.

Days past by quickly and [Name] couldn't sit still by the bench near the pool as they waited for the Samezuka boys to arrive. She had decided to stay for a few minutes after class for her to talk to Rin about the love letters. She took her bag from the side to her lap and unzipped it, checking if there was the letters. After confirming there were still there, she let out a sigh of relief and pushed her hair back before she heard loud chatting by the entrance. Her head whipped to the entrance and saw Rin grinning with Sousuke by his side. The two made eye contact making them both blush and look at the other side.

[Name] was quick to recover from embarrassment and ran to Rin, pulling him away fro, the group. Ignoring Rin's protests, she took him where people wouldn't hear their conversation. "Oi [Name] what do—" "Shush, Rin. I do the talking, not you." Rin stood there wide eyed once she stepped forward to whisper to him the most unexpected question. "Have you caught Sousuke by any chance writing a letter to someone? You know, a personal letter." The magenta haired boy regained his composure before shifting his weight by his other foot, "Huh? Letter? I have never seen Sousuke write a letter. To whom anyway? If you're referring to a girl then you must be mistaken. Sousuke isn't interested in a commitment yet." Rin said making [Name]'s shoulders droop. "Oh. I just thought he's the one who wrote those love letters my friend received. They had the same penmanship, after all. Anyway, thanks Rin! See ya!" [Name] waved cheerfully before turning her heel to walk back to her apartment.

She cursed herself inwardly for being stupid and for assuming too much. She would tell [BF/N] about this later. As she reached by her apartment, she heard voices by her doorstep and as she looked up, her secret admirer was there.

"Hehe wait till I see the look on [Name]'s face. That's what you get for stealing my soda the other month."
"[Best Friend's Name]!?"

-Kai 💞

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