Trapped in an Elevator w/ Sousuke

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¤ totally the type to stumble when the elevator stops
¤ he'll be really confused for about five seconds and then immediately go into slight panic mode
¤ like he'll press the call button a million times
¤ and if you think he didn't press all the floor buttons as well you're wrong
¤ after about a minute of freaking out he'll just look at you
¤ 'you any good at breaking out of elevators?'
¤ you'll just shake your head
¤ like yes here i am a weak human who just met you and is very concerned about your actions knowing how to pry the doors of an elevator open here we go
¤ he just kind of smirks and leans against the opposite wall
¤ he has all his swimming stuff so he just gently kicks it towards himself
¤ 'i have practice in 10 minutes and im going to be late'
¤ why does this kid keep talking to you is it not obvious that you just want to get out
¤ 'sorry?'
¤ you would say before taking a seat on the floor
¤ 'hey don't i know you?'
¤ you would look up and like?
¤ you've lived next to me for two years now i give you my newspaper every morning and i can hear you moan when your masturbate i do not want to have this discussion
¤ you just nod your head and he nods back its a great things trust
¤ he finally sits down with you and like 'you wanna play a game'
¤ you are stuck on an elevator and this asshat wants to play a fucking game
¤ you agree regardless
¤ you start playing truth or dare and the first thing he asks is if your single
¤ and then you cut it off the game is over
¤ within seconds you're up hitting the emergency button again
¤ he just laugh behind you and you cant help but want to punch him
¤ 'sorry i asked it's just you're pretty cute'
¤ you keep hitting the call button even though your blushing and your knees are about to give out because this huge asshole just called you cute and wtf man?
¤ this is not how i want to meet the guy ive been lowkey crushing on for two years
¤ he gets pouty and apologizes because apparently you have been on this elevator for an hour
¤ the elevator eventually after like 10 minutes starts working again and wa la its like nothing happened
¤ he asks if you want to get coffee as soon as you step out
¤ and how do you say no to sousuke i mean cmon
¤ its a great story to tell your kids
¤ like i met your husband when the elevator in our apartment got stuck
¤ and they'll just
¤ what a happy family

I am sorry for this

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