kisumi soulmate au

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au where the voice you think with is your soulmate's voice 

" Heyyyy... (friend's name)?" You said, kicking your legs. You were currently in your friend's room, holding your pencil between your nose and your upper lip. Your arms were really tired from propping your head up while you lay on the floor, so you just sighed and flipped around so you were lying on your back, staring at the ceiling. (Friend's name) looked at you from above and snickered. " Woah, (Name), you look totally different from up here." He/she whipped his/her phone out in the camera app to snap a picture before you could cover your face " Hey!" You cried, reaching out to grab the phone, and your friend let you get it and delete it, but not before you saw how funny you looked with the pencil on your face. " So, what were you gonna ask me?" (Friends name) asked. You stopped in your tracks, suddenly forgetting what you were going to say. " Oh- yeah. So, you know how when you think, you think in a voice?" He/she furrowed his/her eyebrows, thinking for a while. " You mean your soulmate's voice?" He/she asked, twirling the pencil you had dropped when scrambling to delete the picture. You were puzzled. " What soulmate again?" " The voice you use to think is your soulmate's voice." (Friend's name) said, shrugging. " Well, at least that's what people say." Your eyes lit up when you heard this. " Is it true?" " Probably. The voice that I'm thinking in isn't my own, at least. It's a high-ish voice. How about you?" " It's a cute voice!" You replied immediately, grinning from ear to ear. You were already picturing thousands of possibilities in your mind. Was it a boy or a girl? Was he or she tall? Pretty? You sure hoped so.

The next, you finally had something you could look forward to. No, it wasn't that you remembered to bring lunch, and it wasn't that you had (favorite food) waiting at home for after school. You had done some research last night, and you realized, that this whatever soulmate thing, might actually be true. You were so excited that you had a spring in your step, and you met (friend's name) at your classroom. He/she was doodling, as always, and he/she looked up when he/she heard you coming. " Well, you look excited today." He/she commented, and you placed your hands on your heart and sighed heavily. " So so so!*" You started. " Please don't." (Friend's name) groaned, banging his/her head on the table. " I do not need to hear your solo Hamilton rap on a monday morning." " I did some research last night," You said, grabbing the seat from beside (Friend's name) and sitting down with a thump. " So apparently yes, the voice you think in belongs to your soulmate." You said, propping your head on her hands and wiggling your eyebrows at (Friend's name). " Wait- there's more!" You said. " And once you meet them, the voice becomes your own again!" ( Friend's name) nodded, rolling his/her eyes. " Wait- there's more!" You said again, grabbing the table and rocking it, causing some noise. " Stop!" (Friend's name) said, grabbing the table to stop you from making any more noise. " I'm so excited!" You said, jumping up as the bell rang. You skipped back to your seat while humming a song and sat down in your seat.

The school had an assembly today, so you followed the line of noisy classmates to the auditorium. The air was filled with chatter about what today's assembly was going to be about, since quite a number of changes were made since the start of the school year. Sometimes the changes were happily accepted, some others, not so much. You didn't really care about any of that because the things you loved were the things that never got to have clubs, like anime, manga and k drama watching, or doodling or mouthing lyrics and air guitar-ing. But today you were looking forwards to assembly for no reason today. You just knew that something was going to happen, because you woke up smiling, and nothing bad had happened on the way to school, and so you felt excited. The students walked into the auditorium and sat down in neat rows. Some rowdy boys were already scrunching up paper and throwing them around, and kneeling on the chairs to talk to their friends of other classes who were sitting in the back. You awkwardly sat between two people you didn't really know, so you had nothing good to talk about, and (friend's name) was somewhere in the row in front of you but near the aisle, so you couldn't yell over to him/her. 

Your eyes darted around to see if there was anyone who looked like they matched the voice in your head, but after a while you got tired of looking around and making too much eye contact with anyone who made their way past your row.

After a while, the principal stepped out onto the stage and the auditorium fell quiet. " Today, I don't be making any really special announcements," The principal started. " But I'm sure a number of you will be delighted to hear that we'll be installing new volleyball nets and a new basketball hoop in replace of the old ones! Currently, we don't have quiet enough money to do that, but I'm sure with enough fund raising it will happen in the future!" " When in the future?" A voice muttered, and like a lot of people around that area, you turned your head around to see who had just spoken. A tall, guy. He was probably part of the basketball team. " Yeah, when?" Another voice muttered back. This time another dude had spoken, just as tall as the other. Both their heads stuck out of the crowd because of their height. As if the principal had heard them, she cleared her throat. " I can assure you, it will happen in the future." She repeated. " Well, I sure look forward to the future!" Another voice said loudly and clearly, a lil bit higher pitched than the first two ones but so much more significant to you. 

The tuft of pink hair popped up next to the guys and a very cute guy looked up, smiling. " I-" He said, but your knee jerk reaction made you stand up, making the chair you were sitting on skid backwards and crash into the student behind you. The pink haired boy stopped talking and stared at you. " Wait- say that again!" You yelled, and he gasped. " Oh my gosh! This is... I'm-" He said, covering his mouth with his hand, but before he could say anything else, two teachers had already grabbed you to yank you out of the auditorium.

So here you were, standing outside the auditorium, being asked to think about your life choices and how to respect people who were talking. The discipline teacher had reprimanded you both already, but you didn't really care. After the discipline teacher left you two alone to stand there for some more before he brought the principal so you both could apologize to her, you spun to look at him. Wow, he's really cute. You thought, feeling yourself blush. " You're the voice in my head!" He said, smiling. " I know!" You said. " You're the voice in my head too!" " Wait- think something- is it in your voice now?" You nodded eagerly. " What's your name?" he asked. " (NAME)." you said, a little too eagerly, and he laughed. " Kisumi." He replied, running a hand through his hair and rubbing his neck shyly. You stopped. Kiss him? Had you heard wrong? " Isn't it a little too early to do that?" You said, and the boy looked confused, then his frown turned to a laugh. " Ki-su-mi." He said more clearly. " That's my name." Now you were really embarrassed. " But no, if you thought I said something else," Kisumi said, and he leaned down to peck your cheek. " There." And for the first time in your life, you fangirled in your mind in your own voice. " Ahh, it's so weird, hearing my own voice in my head now." You whined, puffing your cheeks in frustration. But you had to admit, it was much nicer to hear that voice from your soulmate than in your head. 

* 'so so so' is from the song 'satisfied' from hamilton

i hope you like this kisumi soulmate story!! 

and also- it's almost october... i kinda want to write something that has to do with fall or halloween?? any suggestions?  how about counting down to halloween or something//?/  if you have any ideas, comment them please~~

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