Yours And Their 'thing' / part 2

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Couple napping.
This is honestly the only thing y'all do anymore. I'm not kidding. Since y'all have really hectic schedules you guys sleep so much. But sleeping with Rin be annoying af sometimes. Shark boy don't know what personal space is. His fucking hands will be all in your shit. Like one night you woke up and this kids hands were literally in your pants??? You had to fucking gently slide them out but then you woke up the next morning and his hand was back in your pants. Like homeboy has no chill. He's nasty. But he also cuddles and that's kinda cool. Until his 5'10 shark body is on top of you and you can't breathe. Rin man. He's a package deal I swear.

Sousuke: Laundry days.
Ok y'all live in an apartment so you don't have laundry machines in the rooms so y'all have to use the one that's down in the basement and let's be honest it's hell on earth. Sousuke can't sit still for more than five seconds so this kid is always pacing and kicking pebbles on the floor. Hella annoying. You'll say he's being annoying and he'll get all up in your grill about it. Laundry day is hell but it's your thing. He tried to literally have sex with you down there once and y'all were close until a fucking four year old came in with a  fire truck and honestly started crying hysterically I can't handle this

Ok this gonna sound weird but y'all fake fight ALL THE TIME. Nitori be so smol but he low-key sassy as fuck. So y'all fake fight. Insults fly everywhere with this kid. And it's really just to boost his self confidence. Because if smol boy wants to verbally fight someone he know what to say. It took a lot of training but he's getting there. First time you tried to teach him to be more assertive he fucking said 'you're dumb' and that's it. You almost killed him. But now he throws shade like a pro. 'you see that girl fucking dirty earth worm looking shit right there get her out my sight'
smol bean came a long way to be where he is today

Yoga sessions
No joke
Every morning y'all wake up gather in the living room and do some yoga momo be flexible as hell so you know this kid be doing some weird shit sometimes you just look at him and worry because shit he's like a twig you think he's gonna snap in two but he's good most days this one day he was trying to bend backwards and you weren't watching and all you heard was a crash and deadass this kid wouldn't admit he was hurt but this kid looked into the distance eyes full of pain for five minutes
Y'all didn't do yoga for another week. You can still see terror in his eyes if any yoga moves involve going backwards. Honestly that day fucked him up for life.

Why did I write this?
Why did I do this?
I desire death bc I laughed while writing this.

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