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I didn't proof read this so, I am sorry if there is any mistakes.

♢ this series got lost along the way and i'm so sorry for that…but to make it up to you guys…the long awaited husband Makoto is here..and it's going to be a ride.
♢ I personally can't even think about this without wanting to break into tears because I don't know about you guys but I truly think that Makoto, out of all of them, would be the most perfect husband that one could ever possible imagine.
♢ The husband that you've been imaging since you were like know the one that goes and buys you roses and chocolates on the days that you're sad, leaves cute notes around the house, kisses you gently any chance that he can get, literally sees the stars and every single universe in existence in your eyes..
♢ Yeah, that's the kind of husband Makoto would be.
♢ The proposal was, well, for lack of a better word, surprising and completely unexpected.
♢ You had to admit things between the two of you had been rough lately.
♢ You were a year behind Makoto when it came to school, which means when he went off to college you still had a year of high school left.
♢ It was draining in all honesty. The university was far away, meaning you had to travel long hours to see him on the weekends. And that's even if time allowed. With your entrance exams coming up all you could do was focus on studying and nothing else. So really, your first year away from each other sucked.
♢ Throughout the whole thing though Makoto promised that it would get better and that no matter what changes or obstacles the world threw at the two of you he would always find his way home to you.
♢ That's why before you even started college the next year, Makoto promised that even if you two split ways for a little during college, he was going to propose the day you graduated.
♢ You spent the next four years in agony. Your grades weren't the best and so getting into Makoto's college was a struggle. And so, you didn't end up going to the sane one. You ended up going to one that was five hours from one another.
♢ During your junior year of college, approaching winter finals you broke down and ended it with him. It wasn't a rash decision on your part at all. Things weren't good and it was just making the both of you more stressed. And so things were dealt with the only way they could be. And that was with a break up.
♢ Of course you saw each other over summer break and honestly it was as if the breakup never happened. He was gentle, he was romantic, he was the love of your life. Nothing had changed. Aside from the commitment that was holding you down in college wasn't there.
♢ Upon finishing college you returned to your hometown and began working on finding a job to suit your new degree.
♢ The money you had saved from working part time over 4 years easily covered the rent on your apartment until you could find said job. All in all, you were making it pretty well for yourself.
♢ But you knew something was missing when you walked around your little apartment. And you knew exactly what that something was.
♢ Makoto.
♢ He had finished college the year before, settling into a teaching job where he got to do what he loved. Coach kids on how to swim.
♢ Makoto growing up had all these insecurities that he kept buried. Especially about his skills with swimming. He wasn't afraid of the water, more uncomfortable about how much he didn't understand. And now he spent his days teaching kids who were in the same position as he was to not be ashamed of how they felt. Truly he was the sun and these kids bloomed as children under his supervision.
♢ Visiting him made your heart and head feel dizzy. The way his face just lit up whenever a kid would come over and hug him made every emotion in your body go into overdrive.
♢ His smile today was only focused on you though.
♢ "You finally came to visit. Is something up?" He would say, a child hanging from his neck but none the less a smile covering his features.
♢ "I just moved into an apartment not far from here. I was wondering if maybe sometime this week we could talk and I'll make some dinner for the both of us."
♢ Your heart raced. Why did it honestly feel like the first time you were asking him out? You had been through so much together so why did it feel so new?
♢ A few days passed and your doorbell alerted you to the guest that you had so dearly been awaiting.
♢ He walked in all smiles, even leaning down to kiss your forehead as he pushed through the door. Immediately he was humming in delight as the scents from the kitchen came his way. You spent all morning cooking his favorites; there was no way that he hadn't had noticed.
♢ Compliments flew from his mouth. How he loved the place. How you set everything up. How he thought everything seemed cozy.
♢ More importantly your future spilled from his lips. How he wanted to be with you again. How he didn't regret leaving in college because it made you into better people today. How when he looked at the rooms and you all he could think about was how much he wanted a family.
♢ The night passed, the dinner foods were tucked into the fridge where they would remain marked as leftovers. The two of you settled down in the couch, you snuggled into his side as a movie played on tv. It was like your first year of dating all over again.
♢ Suddenly he leaned forward and fumbled around his his pockets a little bit. You knew what was coming but your heart still felt like it was beating out of your chest.
♢ "Listen. I probably could have done this a lot more romantically. And even though, yes, I brought the ring today, I wasn't planning on proposing." Suddenly he was down on one knee and his face was flushed. "After seeing you run around the kitchen, watching you get flustered, looking around the apartment. I just know that this is a place where we could be happy. We could raise a family here. There's a place in the back where you can put that garden you're always wanted. There's a room upstairs where we can put a nursery. There's all this space for our love and our relationship to just blossom. Our relationship was always been a sun supporting flower. So I know this is drawn out but will you marry me?"
♢ There were no words to match his at the moment and so the only thing you could do was stoop to his level and wrap your body around him. It was the only thing you could think of doing. Tears streamed down your face and dripped directly onto his shirt, leaving evidence that you were there, and he was there and all of this was all very real.
♢ That night Makoto left his own evidence on you that the moment was very real. There wasn't a time in that night that you thought any moment over the last five years was a mistake. Everything came together to form your relationship and who you were today.
♢ It took awhile for you two to get properly married. There was a lot of planning and a lot of annoying party guests to take care of. But the day arrived and it was nothing less than perfect.
♢ Every girl has an idea of what her perfect wedding will look like. A beautiful white and flowing wedding dress, a husband standing at the alter with tears flowing down his cheeks, a father (or a mother, or even a brother) to walk you down the isle and hand you over to the man that would care for you the rest of your days, every girl wants her wedding to be perfect.
♢ And yours was just that. It was like the stars maligned perfectly on that day to make everything just right. Standing there at the alter with Makoto's cheeks flushed and his gentle hands holding onto yours was like a dream come true.
♢ Even a year after the wedding it was still like you were living in a fairy tale. Your first apartment seemed like it could be your last as you walked down the stairs into the kitchen for breakfast.
♢ Makoto was already wide awake, his usual work attire already on. It almost made you sad he had to leave so early in the morning. There weren't enough minutes in the day you felt that you could spend with Makoto.
♢ You wrapped your arms loosely around him and placed your head onto his back as he stood at the oven. A rumble spread through his chest in what you could only imagine was laughter that you couldn't seem to hear by ear.
♢ In one swift move he was turning himself around to pull your directly into his chest. His warmth spread through you like a million sun beams on a summer day.
♢ Hands gliding to your waist, he slowly made his way to his knees in front of you. His hands didn't waste anytime moving from your hips directly to your swollen belly. "And how's my other little princess on this fine morning.." He mumbled into your skin. Tiny flutters that only you could feel filled your body as your little princess assured him that she was happy.
♢ Having Makoto was a husband was more of a dream than a reality. He's got so much pent up love and all he can think about it how to make you happy. He's always striving to get you the best and nothing else. Especially with the little one on the way.
♢ Anybody who ever came to you and said that he would be a bad father would have to look at him now. He does the absolutely most to keep his family happy and smiling. Even on his toughest days, he wants nothing but the best for you guys.
♢ He loves you whole heartedly and there's not a thing in this world that would ever possibly change his mind about that.


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