makoto soulmate au

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soulmate au where you see color when you see your soulmate 

" Hello, this is your local animal shelter." A voice said. It was soft and kind, and you could hear the noise of barking and meowing in the background. " Hello~" You said, smiling. " I'm here to report an injured kitten that I found outside my place," " A kitten..." The voice replied, sounding like it was nothing special. You waited for the person to say something. " Hello?" You finally said after a awkward silence. " Hello." There was nervous laughing that could be heard on the line. " Is there anything else I can help you with?" " No, I just wanted to say that I'm coming over and I'm almost here." You said cheerily and the person on the other side actually laughed out loud. " Well, we're ready for whatever animal that comes our way, so we're looking forwards to any animal we can save!" " Alright then~" You said happily and hung up. 

You stroked the kitten softly, and sighed. Unable to see any color, since you hadn't met your soulmate yet, you didn't know what color the kitten was, but it wriggled around lazily and yawned and you squealed at how cute it was.

You got to the animal shelter carrying the cat in a cardboard box with a soft blanket where a kitten was sleeping in. " Hi!" You said, waving to the guy at the front desk. The animal shelter was noisy, and you could hear animals all around, squawking, barking, meowing, and you grinned because it made you happy to know that all these abandoned or injured animals were being cared for by such kindhearted people. 

" Can I help you?" The guy at the front desk pushed his glasses up his nose as his green piercing eyes stared into yours. " That looks like a kitten you got there." He leaned over, and you nodded. " Yeah- it's... gray?" You said, holding out the box and you trailed off when you saw the kitten. It was an adorable, gray kitten in the yellow blanket, and suddenly you were shaking in excitement. Your eyes widened as you stared at the guy who had held his hands out to take the box, but had stopped to do so because you were looking so surprised. " Can you see it... Makoto? It's gray..." You looked at his name tag and whispered, softly placing the box on the counter and bouncing up and down on your feet. Makoto had taken the kitten out of the box and was holding it carefully in the blanket. He looked up at you and smiled. " Well, everything is gray to me, I guess." He chuckled, and shook his head. 

Your jaw dropped as you stared at Makoto, who was already carrying the kitten to the long hallway where there were many animals inside. You were almost near tears, staring at his back. You picked up your pace and followed him because he was walking so fast, and you were so miserable you could barely hold in your tears. 

" Thank you for leaving this kitten in our care," Makoto said, smiling when he walked you to the door of the animal shelter. You did your best to smile back, as brightly as you did when you entered the shop. " If you want, you could come back sometime to help out, if you want, of course." Makoto said, looking outside. " Oh... it's raining." He said softly, quickly rushing to the front desk to grab an umbrella to hand to you. He grinned as you took it. " I'll be back to return the umbrella, I promise." You said, bowing softly. Makoto bowed back as you both watched the rain for some time. " I've heard that spring is beautiful." He said, " The rain, and the flowers and all, you can see all that, right?" This was your first time seeing everything in color, so your breath was taken away. The flowers and the rain like Makoto had mentioned, everything was beautiful and blended together in a way you never imagined it would. " Hopefully someday I'll see the spring rain in a color that's not gray." Makoto chuckled, shielding his eyes from the sun that was peeking out of the clouds. You chuckled too, and sighed. 

Those few seconds of joy, happiness and hope were being washed down the drain like the rain. You never believed that things like this could happen. " Don't worry." You said, patting his arm. " It's all gray to me too." 

Makoto looked puzzled, but you just grinned at him and opened the umbrella, stepping out into the rain. " Well, see you!" You waved, and Makoto waved back as he watched you disappear slowly in the busy city.  

hello everyone~ i'm sorry for not writing in such a long time please please forgive me;-; 

i'm doing soulmate aus for all the characters including gou ~~ 

anyways, i hope you enjoyed this really short story www 


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