rin soulmate au

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this is a different au where the first words your soulmate say to you is tattooed on your wrist

You were embarrassed to see that tattoo on your upper thigh. It wasn't very big, but you couldn't wear a nice bathing suit or shorts with that embarrassment on your body. It was your soulmate tattoo, and although many other people were proud of their soulmate tattoos and often flashed it about, you never, ever let people see it. In simple lettering in black ink, the tattoo wrote: that's what she said.

Every time you looked at this tattoo, you sighed. 

Every. Single. Time. 

When you sometimes gathered enough courage to wear shorts go to the beach for a swim, people would see your tattoo and wink and you or wiggle their eyebrows, and point gun fingers at you and say the words of your tattoo loudly at you, hoping that probably they were the soulmate of this beautiful person. But sadly your replies were never what their own tattoos said. In the summer, when other students wore short skirts and pants to school and PE lesson, you were left by yourself still wearing tights underneath your skirt and winter pants, sweating like there was no tomorrow. People always got curious why you had to cover your legs, and some kind people aka Nitori even told you that there was nothing to be insecure about non-perfect legs and that everyone was beautiful the way they were, so you just sighed and showed him the real reason why you covered your legs all the time. Even when Nitori saw it, he just had to cringe and you heard him mutter a 'well that's really too sad...' to himself when he left the room after giving you an apologetic glance.

Today was at the start of a new school year, and you looked around in disgust at all the happy people around you. You had slept way to late last night, and you were stressed about the club you should join this year. Last year, you were just half a second away from qualifying for the school swimming team, but this year you had worked hard and could beat the time limit. But now that you were standing in front of the team sign-up boards, actually being part of a team seemed so difficult and far away to you. Because you had never really been on a team before, swimming seemed more of an individual sport than a team sport because besides the relay, everything else was done individually, and even if you were in the same heat or event with your teammate, you were still competing against each other. You glanced at the list. although the original list was a single sheet of paper, names had already filled it up and two new pieces of papers with sloppily drawn lines were stuck with tape to the original sheet, and messy handwritten names cluttered up those pieces of papers too. 

Just then, as you were taking a pen out from your school bag, two guys waked over. One of them took a piece of paper and a roll of tape and added it on to the list so there would be more room for new names. 

" Will you just look at the list?" He said, laughing. " I know... why's it so long?" you muttered, although you didn't realize that the guy wasn't talking to you. " That's what she said." A voice snickered. " Piss off." You said, and you were totally ready to roll your eyes, but your head snapped up at the owner of the new voice that had joined you. 

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at you. Matsuoka Rin was standing in front of the list holding a clipboard. He was a rowdy student in your grade, more than usual this year since his buddy Sousuke had joined the school, and you wanted nothing to do with him. He broke the rules, roamed the dorms pulling pranks on other students, and flirted with girls and boys in the hallway. He sometimes even didn't go to school at all, and hung around in the swimming pool changing room for the whole day. Some students said the only reason why he wasn't expelled yet was because of his talent in swimming. 

So whenever you were in a class with him, you would try not to be noticed by him, as he had tendencies to pick on people who stood out awkwardly. Sadly that was impossible because he was the new captain of the swimming team, and he knew very well that you couldn't get in last year because he was also a member of the swimming team at that time. You had never talked to him before, and now you were feeling very awkward when you realized that he had been grinning at you creepily for way too long. " What?" You asked, because he was still grinning at you. " I got just another trick up my sleeve." He said, and pulled up his sleeve, to reveal a small tattoo that ran across his arm, that said, 'piss off'. " I'm surprised that I'm the first one whose said that to you." You said, turning away but that didn't stop Rin from seeing your cheeks blushing the same shade as his hair as your hand rested on the area where your own tattoo was. 

Rin cleared his throat. " Well, don't bother writing your name on the list," Rin said. " Just come straight to the pool after school with your swimming stuff." Your eyes widened. Was he offering you a change to join the team? " If you still want to, of course." Rin unwrapped a lollypop and tossed the wrapper onto the ground behind him. " I will, Rin." You replied, nodding at him. You kind of hated this guy but now he'd just given you a free ticket to enter the team you wanted to join since high school. 

" See you then, soulmate." Rin winked at you and sucked on the lollypop. 

" You suck, Rin!" You called after him, and Rin just laughed. 

woooo this one was fun to write www

im still deciding who i'll write about next... and maybe i'll add characters from another manga like the stories before so comment any character/ship/characters you want me to add~ 

i hope you liked this rin story!! which au do you like more, the color one or the tattoo one? if you have an au recommendation (doesn't have to be soulmate au) for a character, comment it and say which character(s) you want me to write about~ 

arigatou gozaimasu! 

<3, grayscale-chan

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