boyfriend #3

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This one is going to resurrect my soul + spirit

Rin as a boyfriend:

¤ the cutest most manly boyfriend you will ever have
¤ acts like he doesn't want to cuddle you but honestly he is down for it 24/7. 365. Like all the time.
¤ one time you asked him to cuddle and he said no and continued to push you off so you gave up
¤ but like three minutes later you noticed his knee was bouncing nervously and omg
¤ he slyly slid his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to you
¤ then proceeded to mumble about how you take a lot of energy out of him
¤ if he ever denies you cuddles if you drap your legs over his and rest your head on his chest for sure he will not push you off
¤ he loves it
¤ especially when you run your fingers around his chest while cuddling
¤ gets the boy every fucking time
¤ kind of ( extremely ) grumpy in the morning
¤ like he will literally kick you in the throat if you try to wake him up this kid is no joke when it comes to sleep
¤ 'i practiced until midnight last night and youRE WAKING ME UP!?!?'
¤ 'rin you have school?'
¤ 'get out before i kill you'
¤ the only way he is happy when you wake him up is if it's with a blowjob
¤ kid won't even say a word he'll just praise you the whole entire day
¤ if you're sick or something he transforms into a completely different person
¤ since he has a little sister he's used to taking care of people so when you're sick he'll do everything for you
¤ get you tea, make you soup, go to the store to buy you medicine
¤ he'll also stay in bed with you for the entire time
¤ 'you're going to get yourself sick as well rin'
¤ 'that's okay as long as i get to be with you'
¤ this also happens when you're on your period
¤ he will not be embarrassed about getting you pads of tampons bc like before he grew up with a sister and hes used to it
¤ but if you thing he won't punch someone of they make fun of him for buying it you are so wrong
¤ tries to make you exercise with him but its always a no and then he's grumpy
¤ and if you do go, he'll complain about you being there because your distracting him
¤ like why did i come then?
¤ really you do this on purpose
¤ you wear the shortest shorts and a skimpy tank top to work out because damn sex with rin post workout is like heaven
¤ hes so rough its not even funny
¤ you will walk out of the bedroom sore as hell with bruises and marks everywhere
¤ his teeth fucking hurt end of story
¤ all in all he tries to act manly but is secretly just a huge ass teddy bear

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