Halloween : Part #1

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Isles upon isles of your favorite things.
Candy, skeletons, costumes, horror movies, and so so much more. And all of it was on sale.
It was Halloween day, and Haru had insisted you go shopping for your necessities today because they would all be cheaper. It was true, but because of that fact not a lot of the good stuff was left.
While your eyes scanned the options wildly, Haru's stayed focused on you. He would nod slowly when ever you put something into the basket but other than that he had no say in what happened with the shopping.
It only took you two to an hour to pick out candy and a few simple costumes. "Don't look so upset Haru!" You whined as you stood in line. "Just imagine the kids faces when they're screaming 'trick or treat' at us." It was the first year you and Haru would be handing out candy at your house together. Although you were completely and utterly excited about it, Haru was not.
With a little of convincing it would be easy to get a smile on his face.

You set up as soon as you got home, and by the time you two were fully in costume and had everything set up, it was time for the kids to start coming around. "How long are we going to be out there?" Haru said bluntly as he tugged at the cape to his vampire costume. You moved your way over to him, smiling. Smudging some of the make up on his face, you giggled. "About two hours, but I do have a surprise for you when it's all over.." You pressed a gently kiss to his lips, and quickly moved away. "So please, try to put on your best smile and get through these two hours for me." With a bowl of candy gracing your hards and a fake smile on Haru's face you started your two hour journey.

"Trick or treat!"
"Hi sweetie, take two." You said as you placed the bowl in front of the three kids standing on your porch. Haru hadn't said a word the whole time and his smile had long vanished from his face. It wasn't like you expected anything less but he could have at least tried. As your candy supply started to run low and the kids started filing in very rarely you packed up for the day. As soon as you stepped foot in the door Haru was pulling off tiny bits of his costume. First being the fake teeth that graced his teeth.
"C'mon! It was fun!" You said as you helped him with the remaining parts of his costume" Haru stood in front of you in only the dress pants that he wore with the costume. He still hadn't broke a smile. "Fine.." You mumbled, annoyed with his actions. You turned your back towards him. "We won't even bother next year. We'll just sit at home and do nothing. Fine with.."
"Y/N? What do you think our kid will think a cool costume will be? Will they want to be a princess? Or a monster?" The words came out of his mouth easily and the next thing you knew his arms were wrapped around your waist. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before leaning down to whisper to you. "I had fun.." As you turned you saw a small smile on the corner of his lips and that was enough to please you.

You spent the rest of the night cuddled up in bed, make up now smeared all over your comforters. You took in times like these because they were rare. But this one was genuine and nice. His warm hands pressed against your sides and a smile coating your face you felt directly at home with the boy next to you.

Makoto: Pumpkin Carving

It had been ages since you had even been able to feel the cold hard exterior of the orange thing that was placed in front of you. Since moving to Japan and having to rebuild your whole life, carving pumpkins was the last thing you worried about when Halloween came around. But now, now that you had finally found a group of friends that was around to stay you were finally able to do something you loved again.

Where you used to live you used to have competitions with your friends all the time. Who could get the guts out of the pumpkin fastest, who could make the prettiest design, ect. Everything under the sun was made into a competition when it came to Halloween. Only a couple years you had actually won, but you still found it a delightful thing to do with friends.
Now sitting on the front porch of your best friend, Makoto's house, you felt completely at home. The idea of competition burned in your head but you knew it wasn't going to be like that with Makoto. You desperately tried to get the thought of your old habits out of your head but they simply would not go away. It all hit you at once. Watching his knife slip in and out of the top of the pumpkin. "What fun would it be without the competition?" You thought. And then the words slipped.

"I bet you my design will be better than yours.."

You almost mumbled it but you saw how Makoto's hands immediately stopped carving as soon as the words hit the brisk air. You acted as though you didn't see and began skillfully cutting out the top of the pumpkin like you had been before. "What are we betting?" A mischievous smirk you had never seen from Makoto curved it's way to his lips. It flipped a switch in you and the excitement began coursing through your veins. It was like a high but without the everlasting side effect. You looked down at the pumpkin and back at him. "If I win, you owe me a massage and a dinner. Homemade at that.." The smirk he had given you just a moment before you mimicked on your own lips. His laugh came out fluently as he agreed.

"And if I win, you kind lady, owe me a kiss.."

The words hit you slowly. At first you didn't really comprehend what he meant but it all sank in quickly once you pieced it together. You pulled the top of the pumpkin and stick your hand in getting it completely covered in the guts that were inside. With a twisted smile, you stuck out your hand for him. "Shake and its a deal." He chuckled and immediately grabbed your hand. "Deal.."

An hour later your pumpkins were facing in different directions and Rei was standing in the middle as an official judge. It had been a rough journey with Makoto nudging your arm to make you mess up and you trying to cover up his eyes to waste his time. All in all the pumpkin carving was mire competitive than what you were used to. But all in good fun.

It didn't take Rei two minutes to decided that Makoto was the victor. A wave of disappointment shot through you until you actually looked at his pumpkin. It was good to say the least. The background of a tree and enlarged leaves falling from it. At least you knew know how good Makoto was when it came to things involving his hands.

Rei left after sitting down to talk for a little. The pumpkins you had made now illuminated the darkening space of the porch. With your back pressed against Makoto's left arm, you sighed. It had turned out to be a beautiful day filled with tons of laughs and smiles. You hates to admit but it was something you could easily get used to in your new home. Not minutes after you settled next to him, his large hands were on you bringing you close to him. "You owe me something." He whispered. You knew it was unintentional but the way his breath cascaded down your neck in a warm wave seemed like he was trying to tease you. As soon as your head turned the slightest to meet his, a pair of soft lips found their way onto yours. No struggle was needed as you positioned yourself to be more comfortable.

The kiss lasted only a mere second but it made your whole body react in a flurry of emotions. Everything from happiness to anger was felt in your body all at the same time. And the smile on his face made nothing better. As you scanned his face you leaned in to peck his lips once again, and for once you thought you got the best of him. With your face still close enough to his you smiled and whispered,

"Next year you won't be so lucky."

Your night ended pleasantly with a ton more kisses and a memory you would keep forever.

1-2 characters a day until halloween!!
Also publishing a new story in a few days. If you like BTS or Seventeen you're in for a surprise.

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