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The Other Side (Kisumi x Reader)

We were talking late, from ten
Staying up till three am
Just friends

Dear Kisumi,
So uh, I don't really know how to start this off without being awkward? Hehe sorry, you know how I hate writing letters to people that I lost contact with for a long time. Anyway, I guess I'll just start off with my day. Today was a really fine day back in Iwatobi. I wasn't particularly recognized by Haru but the other boys, they recognized me! Makoto and Nagisa told me to join them today for swimming practice, I expected Rin to be there but there was this megane instead. His name is Rei. He can't do other strokes than butterfly stroke and I think that's ridiculously adorable! I was told that Rin went to Samezuka instead of here with the boys. Anyway, how about you? How are  You? I'm sorry Kisumi... I'm sorry I didn't told you sooner that I got here again after a few years of studying in [Country]. I just couldn't bring it up and I can't stand seeing myself in a position where you're mad and I'm on the verge of tears.  Alright! I'll stop with the angsty start! Haha~

[Name] sighed, removing her grip from her pen, looking up at the yellowish pink sky from her window, not knowing how to continue on what she had written. She should've written the letter 3 weeks ago when she first arrived but she couldn't bring herself up to meet with the basketball player that everyone loves. Mostly when the both of them had memories together that any boy couldn't replace. Back then, they both would talk till they both see the sun, together get scolded by their parents for not getting sleep, and both getting teased by their friends for having a boyfriend/girlfriend at such an early age. But both of them would deny and shake it off.

We would lie under sun sets
Without a single worry yet
Just friends

When the day before your first basketball match came, your captain told you and your team mates that you don't have practice that day, I thought you would go straight home but instead, you grabbed me out of the library and told me we would get ice cream. When we got to the shop, you bought me my favorite flavored ice cream without asking me yet. I told you I would pay you back soon but I never got the chance to. We both sat on the ground to watch the sun set, and we talked about stuff we don't normally talk about to other people. We thought we were both special friends.

I thought about you everywhere
I haven't been the same since then
Just friends

After the game, you ran up to me and hugged me so tight I could barely breathe. You told me it was because of me that they have won, I would tell you that if weren't for that buzzer beater, you would've lose. But you insisted that it was me because you won. I was confused because you hugged me instead of hugging and highfiving your teammates, but I was relieved you hugged me and you considered me as your closest friend.

Cause every time I ran
I ran to you

A few weeks after the game, the principal called me in. They said the school will have to have an exchange student in [Country] I thought I would be the one to assist a schoolmate of ours but instead, the principal of the other school wanted me as an exchange student. I was hoping that day that my parents would disagree to the school to make me go overseas, but I was too naïve, of course they would agree. I was so mad at them for agreeing that I didn't noticed I ran to your house and cried to you. You said that we'll still remain as friends. The exchange student deal was after all, for four months.

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