Living With Rei

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¤ Living with Rei would be one hell of an experience
¤ He is so god damn organized that even if a piece of clothing touched the ground you better believe he's in there two seconds after picking up after your ass
¤ Like even when you're getting dressed for bed you'll throw your dirty clothes on the floor with the intention of picking them up and BAM
¤ there Rei is raging and ready to go sweeping all the clothes up and into the hamper
¤ it actually kind of scares you sometimes
¤ hes just so clean
¤ like honestly you see a piece of dust in your apartment and you will be shocked by it
¤ like what is that shouldn't vacuum man gotten that already?
¤ speedy with the dishes as well
¤ like legit you won't have time to breathe and he'll be doing the dishes
¤ honestly its annoying because you have nothing to do because hes done everything already
¤ is actually quite like a ghost
¤ sometimes you won't see him for hours at a time and then you'll pop your head in your room and he's just there napping
¤ he cuddles up so perfectly with your pillows that sometimes you won't wake him
¤ but then he gets pissy about you not waking him up its annoying
¤ he complains a lot
¤ sometimes you just gotta kiss him to shut him the fuck up
¤ but it works every time bc he gets all blushy
¤ most times he'll just turn the opposite direction and sit his ass down to do something else
¤ living with him has its pluses though
¤ like sometimes you'll be just going to bed and he'll think your asleep and he'll whisper cute things to you
¤ then you try to tell him in the morning and he deNIES EVERY SINGLE THING
¤ 'i didn't say that i don't know what you mean'
¤ 'rei I was awake for all of it'
¤ 'nope you had definitely started your rem cycle bye'
¤ he gets so so flustered my god
¤ cooking is always an adventure cause neither of you can do it
¤ 'did you burn it again?'
¤ 'shut up'
¤ 'that's okay I'm used to the last of burnt food'
¤ y'all still eat it so i guess it's okay
¤ surprisingly you have take out a lot
¤ he doesn't seem the type but like he so is
¤ but you're usually the one that has to suggest it
¤ sex is great
¤ again doesn't seem like he had a high sex drive right?
¤ but damn once you started living with him
¤ the bed
¤ the floor
¤ the kitchen
¤ the shower
¤ everywhere imaginable
¤ but its sweet and soft and nice and gentle and hes just so cute
¤ living with him is honestly like living with a best friend
¤ y'all are so comfortable with each other its unbelievable
¤ he does get annoying sometimes but the pros out weigh the cons
¤ and you know, it's nice being able to come home and cuddle up with him after a long day
¤ he may ignore you sometimes but this kid loves the absolute hell out of you and do not think differently.

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