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"A wedding?"

"Yep! It's going to be held at the beach this Saturday! So make sure to come, okay?" Makoto smiled with his eyes closed, a person could easily distinguish his euphoric expression from afar, and everyone would admire his delightful personality. "Eh? Why didn't you tell us sooner, Makoto?" Rin asked, he didn't mind showing his skeptical look to everyone. "Big brother, don't you think it's rude to tell Makoto-senpai that?" Gou whispered to her big brother, which he paid no heed.

"But wouldn't it be great if we would go to a wedding that our two friends are holding? It's going to be amazing!" Nagisa exclaimed, his eyes sparkling while his hands up in the air. "I know right, Nagisa-kun! We'll see two of our friends get married and maybe they'll have kids too!" Gou agreed, highfiving him. Haru, Rin and Sousuke looked at Makoto like he did something bad. "Eh? Guys! I told you! Our schedule was pretty hectic and we couldn't squeeze in the time to tell you!" Makoto exclaimed, his hands raised up in front to know that he was actually telling the truth and that they didn't actually need to accuse him of something he really isn't. "Whatever makes you happy, Makoto-senpai." Rei interfered, hitching his glasses up, to which Sousuke and Haru nod in agreement. "Tch, you better make this work! I may not look like it, but I'm proud of you. Congratulations, I guess." Rin said, a small smile formed in his face. Sousuke and Haru looked opposite ways, both mumbling, "You don't look proud at all. You sound like you're ashamed of him." "Shut up, will you!"

And after 4 more days of preparing, the day had finally arrived. Most of them weren't ready, and by most of them you could say Momotarou was the only one who was rushing all over the place. "Are you ready, Makoto?" Rin asked, his hand on the steering wheel as he glanced back. "Yeah, of course." He replied with a small smile, before all of them drove off to the beach. It was special, special that [Name] will finally get married. And what's actually amazing is that [Name] got to be married to a friend of theirs. And by friend, everyone meant by the most amazing friend. 

Arriving at the beach, it was almost like a wonderland. The weather was amazing, the sun was close to setting as the wedding was to be held by sunset, blooming flowers were at the altar together with a few at the aisle. Half of the people Makoto and [Name] have invited are already there, all they need was for [Name] to arrive and the wedding would be starting.

For starters, Makoto was nervous, he wouldn't know what would happen next, all he could rely on was the stuff he sees around him. "Mako-chan, are you alright?" Nagisa asked, peering up at him. "Don't you tell me you're gonna bail out by the last second?" Rin asked, an eyebrow raised, only to be elbowed by Haru. "Ow, what was that for!?" 

"Shut up"

"Sousuke, not you too!"

Makoto chuckled, "It's okay, it's okay. I won't run." Rei looked at him, eyes filled with worry and concern, "Rei, I'm fine. I swear. [Name] had always told me she wanted a beach wedding, with a  few guests and you guys here. The menu would be her favorite, [favorite cuisine]. The weather is perfectly fine today as you know, we've been trailing the weather report for this day and it said it would be fine. So, I assume, nothing bad would happen. So cheer up, will you?" He smiled, and if his smile was a communicable disease, everyone would be sick by now.

Rei was about to speak up, not until music began to start. Everyone stopped from their chats and stood up for the soon to be bride. And as Makoto got ready, he couldn't believe his eyes. [Name] was there, her arm wrapped around her partner, [father/brother/cousin/mother]. And as Makoto also knew, she was beyond stunning. The light from the orange, pink and purple skies made her beauty much more stand out. Makoto couldn't contain his happiness, that is, until she glanced at him from the seats, mouthing the words, "Thank you.

And as she continued to walk towards the altar, his heart began to shatter. 

How could I be so blind?

A certain pink haired man, took her hand gently, smiling at her with loving eyes. And she did the same.

Makoto smiled sadly, watching the scene unfold in front of him, waking up in reality.

Makoto, you're just a wedding planner. Turns out, the person you have loved for so long runs to you for help for her own wedding. How pathetic can that be?

I was supposed to write a fluff but whoop here's your daily dose of angst. Haha, love ya'll! -Kai<3

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