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i am seriously going the whole nine yards for rei bc as much as i say i love makoto

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i am seriously going the whole nine yards for rei bc as much as i say i love makoto ...rei is my favorite he is my literal sunshine

¤ loml let's go
¤ im gonna start with the proposal because lets be honest rei proposing would be the shyest clumsiest thing you'll ever experience
¤ like rei still has trouble kissing you sometimes and you expect this little nugget to propose now?
¤ he spent weeks and i mean WEEEEEEKS planning out the perfect way to do this
¤ he had every idea under the sun
¤ from taking you to dinner and doing it with everyone around to writing it in a note and leaving it at your work
¤ both he thought didn't fit either of your styles
¤ so he did it at home
¤ it was awkward that night
¤ rei had cooked a half decent meal which almost never happens and there were candles lit which also almost never happens
¤ he was v shy about it
¤ he was a stuttering clumsy mess but when the words 'will you marry me' finally came out of his mouth there wad absolutely no way you could deny him
¤ it was an instantaneous yes
¤ he almost forgot to give you the ring he was so nervous and when he was sliding it on your finger his hands were shaking and you honestly didn't know if it was your tears or his that were dripping onto your hand it was probably a combination of both
¤ but you were so damn happy that you could barely handle it
¤ y'all spent the next twenty minutes locked up in a series of hugs and kisses and when it was all over all either of you could say was 'i love you'
¤ the wedding came and went with only friends and family attending
¤ I'll skip the details but Rei legit sobbed at the alter
¤ and so did nagisa (who was rei's best man)
¤ now that the two of you are married things are a bit more chilled
¤ the two of you moved in together
¤ so now you have an apartment filled to the brim with books and you're just so happy because you have a place you can call your own that will soon be filled with memories with a man that you love
¤ there are tears rolling down my cheeks im actually crying i love rei so much
¤ through the decorating and painting you and rei became closer than ever before and you knew marrying him and giving up your entire life for him was definitely not a mistake
¤ one night within the first few that you were married and in the apartment he just broke down sobbing????
¤ you were worried and like actually scared because i mean rei's a baby but like to spontaneously cry like that was weird even for rei
¤ and it got weirder when you noticed that he was smiling
¤ you tried to get an answer out of him but like every time you tried to talk to him he just cried more
¤ this went on for a solid fifteen minutes before the sniffling dimmed down a little
¤ after all was said and done he really wouldn't give you a 100% explanation
¤ and you didn't get one for like two days
¤ but y'all had been cuddled up reading and rei just out of no where starts explaining
¤ and word for word he was like, " Remember how O was crying the other day,
¤ "Yeah? Why?"
¤ "I was just crying because I was sitting in the living room and I noticed that you put that photo of us from our first date up. I don't know. It was just very surreal. We've got so far. Like here he are in OUR apartment, with wedding rings on our fingers and a whole place to call our own. Do you know how many memories are yet to come? I just thought about all of this and like y/n we're married. We're married and you're mine and that's so weird because within the first month of dating i thought you were going to leave. But you're still here and I'm still here and now there's so many possibilities and I'm going to live my life with you and I'm just so happy."
¤ by the end of it both of you were full on crying into each other and honest to god it was so beautiful
¤ because you knew everything he said was true now that you we're married in living together there was so much you could do and there was such a bright future
¤ a family
¤ vacations
¤ late night talks
¤ just being together and being loved
¤ in that night it just all came together
¤ what I'm trying to say is that husband!rei wants nothing more than to see you happy
¤ he is so grateful that you take the time to love him and stay with him he just wants to give you the world
¤ he'll stay up late with you if your sad
¤ and he'll tickle you half to death if you refuse to smile
¤ and he'll just put his heart and soul into making you happy and he'll just give you the love that you need and deserve
¤ i dont know man rei is my babe and he would just be so fucking caring
¤ everyone love rei ryugazaki bc i fucking know i do

I cried. A lot.

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