Living With Rin

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¤ first off good fucking luck
¤ you have seen how moody this kid gets and just think you have to deal with that every single morning
¤ honestly he does not care how cute you are he will snap at you in the mornings
¤ he'll tone down if you make him breakfast
¤ or give him a blowjob
¤ which ever one you're up for he won't complain
¤ honestly hes so messy
¤ like between you and him the room looks like a bomb went off
¤ its impossible to even walk to your bed without stepping on a sweater or a swimsuit
¤ which do you know how annoying it is every morning to wake up and have your boyfriend swim suit on the bath curtain rod?
¤ well get used to it
¤ because its there
¤ like 'wow im really feeling a bath this morning oh nevermind i just got smacked in the face by this DAMD SWIMSUIT AGAIN'
¤ if you get him on a good morning though and youre not the one to wake him up hes super sweet
¤ like he'll play with your hair and hum you soft melodies
¤ but he shuts it down as soon as you are awake
¤ like oh look this human has open their eyes and is not peaceful anymore lets fucking wREAK THEM
¤ you better believe once you're up hes trying to tickle the hell out of you
¤ it happens like four times a week and honestly you start to get real sick of it
¤ also him getting you up in the morning almost always includes you or him falling off the bed and then the other yelling
¤ its fun believe me
¤ if hes not being a dick hes trying to wake you up with sex
¤ which no ones going to complain?
¤ his soft lips find every inch of your body just to get your little butt going in the morning
¤ and honestly you would take the lazy sleepy before practice sex you have in the morning than the rough shit that comes at night
¤ hes gentle with sex in the morning and he will praise you with every cell in his body
¤ he won't even care about his personal pleasure if you're happy he is too
¤ sometimes when the apartment gets too messy you'll dedicate a whole day to cleaning
¤ you both hate it but it has to happen
¤ it involves a lot of angry cursing and usually ends with cuddles on the couch
¤ like legit you had a party coming up one afternoon and you and rin where running around cleaning
¤ legit haru and makoto were the first ones to show up at the apartment and y'all were passed out half naked on the couch with laundry everywhere
¤ literally cant have anyone over because thats what happens
¤ you two living together is so bad
¤ the both of you took a vacation and while on vacation you told rin something super important
¤ you know what this asshole did?
¤ nodded his head and fucking continued to eat chicken nuggets at 9 in the morning
¤ one wtf rin
¤ and two who eats chicken nuggets at 9 in the morning
¤ you moving in was super weird
¤ like the first night you were there you had a massive anxiety attack and all he did was pat your head?
¤ hes soulless i hate him
¤ the night you moved in was also the night he said I love you for the first time
¤ it was super sudden and you did not at all see it coming
¤ like you were showering and he just whispers through the door that he loves you
¤ you were looking around the room like the fucj? Rin you got ghosts?
¤ and then he was waiting outside of the door and he said it again and aw
¤ you were relieved and happy but mostly relieved bc damn no ghosts
¤ living with him has a lot of cons but nothing makes you happier than walking into your messy ass room every single night
¤ the sex is a plus too
¤ also rumors are true he leaves nasty ass hickeys everywhere
¤ but you love it and you love living with him you just love everything about this stupid shark boy
¤ to prove it all let me tell you that when ever he's leaving earlier than you he leaves you notes
¤ 'hi baby. I really hope you have a nice day. Maybe pizza tonight? And your favorite movie?
You mean everything to me remember that baby girl'
¤ the last line will say some shit like, 'love your big ass shark'
¤ its impossible not to love him
¤ truly you hope that he never fucking kicks you out for the shit you pull bc you would miss him terribly

I went over board and now I'm sobbing

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