Soulmate!Au #1

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[ Soulmate!AU where the world is in black and white until you come in contact with them ]


Your favorite time of year.
Gloves and mittens. Hot chocolate and tea. Warm hats and cozy blankets. All words that made you melt straight to the core. And they only really could be appreciated in the dead of winter.
Which is why when you ran out of the house this morning, and slid after a couple steps on the fresh snow, you couldn't help but be happy.
Your cheeks, rosy red, definitely suited your mood this very morning.
Due to the snow that had fell the morning and the night before all schools had been closed for the day. Giving you the ultimate chance to enjoy the winter snow, and maybe a coffee from your favorite shop down the road. That was really the only reason you were up so early and going.
Also, because his shift ended at noon.
With school you always seemed to miss him. Either you were too late, or just because you took a route to school that didn't allow you to stop. Within minutes you were there and standing within the comforts of the coffee shop. Even though it was cold out the place was deserted. Not a soul was there, aside from the workers.
And him.
The last time you two had seen each other he seemed upset. That was the day he explained while you were ordering that since the winter came he wasn't able to swim. Apparently swimming was a huge part of his life and the snow and ice and cold, all together winter, ruined it.
But this morning as he saw you walk in his face lite up only just a little. "The usual y/n?" You sighed. Oh no, how do I not fall in love with you if you know my order? You simply nodded your head in response.
"So. I have this for you.." You pulled out a slip of paper and slid it across the counter as he made your order. "What is it? It just looks like a flyer.." His eyes never left the cup in front of him. "Well, the gym that my sibling goes to conveniently has an inside pool. I knew you were pretty upset about not being able to swim so the first thing I thought of when I saw this was you.." You watched as he finished off the coffee with just the right amount of whipped cream. His hands placed it over the counter, while his eyes examined the paper laid out on front of him. With a brush of your hands, the coffee was out of his and into yours.
At first you didn't notice, but when you did it hit you like a ton of bricks.
Colors. You could see every beautiful color that painted the paper. As well as all the beautiful colors that painted Haru. Within seconds your eyes were locked on his, and a heat was steadily rising to your cheeks.
"So the pool?" You asked not knowing what else to say. With a sly smirk he chuckled. "Maybe one day this week we can go see it together, huh soulmate?" Your heart almost burst right on the spot. Aside from the shaky hands and completely red face you managed to scribble your number on the flyer and grasp your coffee.
"J-Just call me. We'll talk about this."
With that you were off.
Your whole world had a new perspective now. As the snow fell onto your face you giggled.
Haru Nanase. Your soulmate.


The one place you never wanted to be.
Whether it was after school for activities or just in the class learning, you never, ever wanted to be there. And to top it all off you never wanted to be approached by the guy named Makoto.
You hadn't talked to him since third grade, and he hadn't even given you so much as a glance since fourth.
But you had to admit he had changed oh so much. His hair now dangles into his face covering his eyes in the most pleasing way. But every time they swept out of his eyes you would catch a glance at the orbs that hide behind them. You oh so wished that they has a distinguished color but all you saw was black. His height has increased, and don't even get started about the way his muscles had become way more prominent. Makoto was always a good looking kid, but high school really showed you a new side.
While walking down the hall you spotted him out of the corner of your eye. He looked perfect as always and oh, was he talking to a girl? Your heart slightly fluttered and then dropped. How could you be such a fool to think that maybe you had a shot at him. Before you knew it you were colliding with a body in front of you and all your papers were rustling to the ground.
"Shit." You mumbled.
This is why you hated school. While picking up the papers you felt a hand come down on your shoulder and then everything blacked out for a moment. When you could open your eyes again you saw something very different. Everything was in color. You looked up to see Makoto gently picking up all of your papers and placing them in your bag. "Sorry.." He mumbled. Brown his hair was brown.
You dusted yourself off and gathered the papers around you. "It wasn't your fault. Uhm, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." His hand brushed against yours and you finally got the chance to look up and into his eyes.
"We're gonna have to talk about this you know that right?" His words came out so smoothly and turned your whole body to liquid. "I guess we will.." You both stood from your place on the ground and he handed you back your bag. "My place tonight?" You only nodded as you took off.
His eyes were green.
And it was something you may never be able to forget.

If you couldn't tell by now, I really really really love soulmate au's. ❤
I will be writing the rest of the characters for this. Two a day until I finish them all.

I hope you guys are well. Y'all deserve the absolute best. Because you're such precious little muffins.

Love y'all. ✌

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