Yours and Their "thing"

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Like y'all have gotten so comfortable with each other that you screech at each other? Words are for losers so if Haru wants to communicate from the other room you'll just hear this loud ass screech and like 'yes i have got to go dolphin boy is on the move i must rescue boyfriend'
Couple screeching is what I'm getting at here you're welcome

I'm not gonna lie like with makoto things were thrown out the window two weeks into the relationship. You just walk in from work and honestly you can strip down until you're in your panties and he'll just stare at you like sup. It's like you're married but not. One night y'all were watching a movie and a piece of popcorn fell onto your stomach and without hesitation this kid eats it off your skin like? Home boy got no chill

he acts so polite but nah. Y'all been best friends for years and if you don't think he talking shit behind your back you wrong.
"You see what that soggy piece of bread be wearing today Nagisa yeah the fuckin school uniform fucking nasty ass gardening hose."
Rei is savage and no one can convince me otherwise but this kid actually loves you don't let his shit talk fool you

Burping and farting is in
Y'all known each other for a couple months and like there is no shame after the first time it happened like nothing was the same. Sometimes y'all share bodily functions like the one time one of you farted and honest to god y'all looked at each other and simultaneously asked who it was. You two are too close bye

Wtf is this take my phone away
I laughed at myself while writing this i

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