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" If you embarrass me at the movies," Sousuke said, giving you a warning glare. You just shrugged, smiling sweetly and patting your nice dress. " This time I'm wearing extra tall heels so I'll be taller, so even if you choose the backest seats I'll still be able to see." Sousuke looked at you in disgust. " You know that we'll be sitting down in the movies, right?" " Yeah but I always can't see when we're at the back. So I'm wearing these heels." You pulled your leg up to show Sousuke your nice shoes and he just rolled his eyes. " You're so stupid." He said. " Well thANKS, world's best boyfriend, for lowering my self esteem." " I didn't know it could be lowered any more, to be honest, but you're wearing heels." " I hate you, Sousuke." " I could drop you off back at home and watch the movie myself." " No!" " Exactly." You crossed your arms and glared at Sousuke. He chuckled, pulling into the parking lot.

After a while of lining up, you got to buy popcorn and candy bars. " Uh one large popcorn please." Sousuke said, squinting at the menu board thing hanging from the ceiling. " And anything you would like to drink? It's 20% off if you order two drinks." " Is there sprite?" You asked holding onto the counter like a little kid and grinning excitedly, and Sousuke looked at you. " Yes there is," The staff said, entering it into the computer. " I'd like a coke, please." Sousuke said maturely. 

You got your food and walked into the movies, excited. You were going to watch a scary movie, and before you even went inside the theater you were already a little scared. Sousuke must have felt your grip tighten on his arm because he laughed. " Don't cry if the ghost finds you." He said, and you pouted. " Why wouldn't it find you though?" " Because you're the pretty one." That one reply filled your heart with warmth and happiness. Sousuke grabbed your hand to find a seat near the back because he knew he was so tall. " Can we sit here?" You pointed to two vacant seats that weren't at the very back but pretty close. " No." Sousuke said, continuing to walk. " But I can't see at the back!" " I thought that was why you're wearing heels." " Shut up." " Don't worry if you still can't see we can get you those booster seats for kids." You would have slapped him if you weren't holding that bucket of popcorn.

The trailers were playing and you were already shoving popcorn into your mouth. " Slow down." You turned to look at Sousuke in the dark and put your finger on your lips to tell him to shut up. You sipped on your sprite. You ate more. The popcorn was slowly disappearing and the movie had just started. Sousuke couldn't bear to see all the popcorn disappear so quickly so he grabbed the bucket and covered the top with his hand. 

You looked at him in protest but couldn't say anything because the movie had already started and you didn't want to disturb anyone. There was a jump scare. Sousuke jumped, and his head hit the wall behind him. A string of curses left his mouth. You snickered, but the truth was you were terrified. As the movie got darker you hugged tighter onto Sousuke's arm, shrinking smaller and smaller in your seat. 

Suddenly, the sitting position of the person in front of you changed, and you couldn't see the screen properly. You tilted your head to the side to see better, and Sousuke poked your head with his finger, telling you to move away from blocking his view. To annoy him, you leaned your head against his face so his face was full of your hair. Sousuke's muffled voice told you to stop blocking the view. " Bitch, I am the view." You whispered back, and snickered at your own reply. There was another jump scare, and this time your head jerked back and Sousuke's head was bumped onto the wall once more. " Dammit scoot away." Sousuke whispered, shoving you to the side. " Just look from that side." You pouted and moved your head to look from the crack between two other heads, and snickered about the crack that was probably in Sousuke's head.

As the movie progressed, someone got bored and decided to take their phone out to text someone. He was sitting right in front of Sousuke, and Sousuke was really pissed. Sousuke handed you the bucket of popcorn and leaned forwards, looking at what the boy was doing on his phone. He tugged at your sleeve softly and told you to look. why the heck is a boy watching fidget spinner reviews in the middle of a horror movie? Sousuke snickered and leaned back. The movie got interesting again, and you wanted to grab some popcorn. So you reached over to Sousuke lap where the popcorn was to get popcorn, and in the middle of that, there was a jump scare again. 

And you grabbed Sousuke's crotch. 

" What the-" You heard Sousuke spluttering on his drink before you quickly withdrew your hand. oh noooooooooo the popcorn was in my lap all along... you thought, glancing really slowly at Sousuke. He was giving you the wtf look. Nooooo...  you covered your face with your hands as Sousuke took back the bucket of popcorn to protect his crotch. Even though Sousuke was your boyfriend for a long long time it still felt so embarrassing.

You did not reach for the popcorn for the rest of the movie. It felt too awkward. You felt too embarrassed. Your cheeks grew hot and you kept on facepalming through out the entire film. When the film ended, everyone looked petrified except for you and Sousuke. People looked at you guys weirdly. Every time you made eye contact with Sousuke you had to look away, covering your face with your hands again. " Don't look at me." You said, and Sousuke pulled your hands away. " What was that for though?" " No, I thought the popcorn was with you!" " Yeah, right. You were just trying to-" " Seriously!" You slapped him on his arm. " Why would I suddenly just-" You groaned in frustration and waved your hands around as you headed to the parking lot. So much happened in the movie, you both could barely even tell Rin what it was about the next day.

" Did you just skip the movie to go eat instead?" Rin asked suspiciously because that was what you two did last time you went to watch a movie. " No!" You said, waving the tickets in his face. " We watched it!" " Then why do neither of you know what the movie was about?" 

Sousuke told rin. A smug look washed over Rin's face. " Dammit!" You screamed, whacking them both in the muscular arms. " I'm so done with you!" You walked faster than them, storming towards the pool area. 

hope you enjoyed this story!! 

sorry i couldn't publish it yesterday ahhh 

anyways did anyone watch the last jedi yet ;-; 

ahh i hope i can watch it tomorrow... 

<3 grayscale chan 

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