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Haru: The aroma, the sounds, the people. All of it had Haru in a state of anxiety. He hated, and I repeat, hated carnivals such as the one his partner had dragged him along to. The only reason he still went to these stupid things was either for his team or to see that goofy smile that coated his partners face the whole time. His partner was the complete opposite when it came to things like this. They could stay there for the rest of there lives if they had a choice. If traveling carnivals/circuses still existed, he was sure his partner would become a part of one. The thought made him cringe.
After about an hour of walking around the crowded paths of the carnival his partner began to notice his discomfort. The took his hand and dragged him to another line. Haru looked up at the metal, circular, death contraption and sighed. The ferris wheel. Even though he put such a bad name on it, this was probably one of the only things Haru could stand at carnivals. It wasn't fast moving and it gave him a chance to get away from the crowd for a few minutes. He also loved the view from the top. But his favorite part had to be when they reached the top and his partner would become so amazed by the sight they would latch onto him with eyes gleaming. It made his heart flutter every time.
As they reached the front of the line, the man checked their wrist bands before telling them to proceed to their seats inside the ferris wheel. The small door was latched shut, and then the ferris wheel began to move. They had to be the last to get on for that ride because the wheel continued to move without stopping. After a couple spins they were jolted to a stop at the top of the wheel. As said, his partner came closer to him and wrapped their arms around him. But this time it was different. This time they weren't just childhood friends going for a spin on a ride. This time they were much more than that. Their lips pressed to his cheek, before moving to his lips. If his heart wasn't already racing from the contact now it sure was. His partner's face was flushed as they pulled away.
"Not so bad now huh?" Haru couldn't help but smirk lightly. "Shut up dummy.." The spent the rest of the night sitting in a booth eating. If the carnival was like this every time he wouldn't mind.

Makoto: "Come on!" His partner squealed as they basically ran into the carnival. Whenever this came to town his partner would force him to go. Makoto could have serious injury and his partner would come to his hospital room saying something stupid like, "We're sneaking you out. I don't care about your appendicitis. The carnival is in town." He seriously loved them for that. The first thing they did was grab two wrist bands. He could tell they were going to be there for a while, and continuously buying tickets would become a hassle.
An hour passed of riding the various rides scattered throughout the carnival. Makoto had almost gotten sick twice on one of the rides, but his partner was still dragging him about the whole place. Their hands never came unclasped as they walked. With his partners excitement, he feared he would lose sight of them and not be able to find them. Silly thing to be afraid of, but just in case he kept their hands intertwined tightly.
Before long his partner became a little tired and started asking for a snack. The key word there being snack. They didn't want to actually sit down and eat, no they wanted a run and go kind of thing. He shook his head as his partner pulled him along to a cotton candy stand. They order one, and then proceeded to sit down on one of the benches scattered throughout the place. His partner's favorite place was in front of the salt and pepper shakers, so they could hear the screams of pathetic people. It made Makoto laugh that his partner actually found something like that amusing.
They sat for a little gently picking at the cotton candy. His partner would pull some off for him occasionally and place it into his mouth. It made him smile that they were being so cute. The tables turned as his partner put a piece into their mouth large enough that it hung out. He got the idea without any words from them, and gently bit on the piece, their lips brushing against each other. His face flushed.
Before long the cotton candy was gone, but the taste of it still remained on his partners lips. These nights were the ones he remembered forever.

Nagisa: "Fuck Nagisa. We've gone on this ride five times already." His partner screamed as Nagisa pulled their hand into the line again. It was getting to the point where his partner was feeling sick and could probably pass out with another go. But the frown on Nagisa's face convinced them to go for another swing on the ride. Even if it meant getting sick.
His partner stumbled off the ride in a blurry haze. It wasn't until then that Nagisa noticed his partner looked green in the face. He took their hand and gently smiled. "Sorry it's just my favorite. Do you want to play a game before going on more?" His partner nodded their head. Nagisa felt a pit of guilt in his stomach as his partner stumbled towards one of the water games. They both sat down. "Two games? Two people! Can we get anymore? Come on a couple more!" The game person yelled into his mic. Three more people immediately came to the stand before the person said it was time to start. Nagisa got into position his eyes directly on the target in the middle. "I'm going to win." He whispered. His partner gently smiled.
As the bell rang Nagisa immediately pressed down the buttons and shot at the target. After a minute of hard concentration the buzzer went off and the light above his lane lit up. "Lane number seven wins!" The people who were sat at the other seat got up, as soon as they lost. "Which one do you want?" He asked his partner. They pointed up to the small penguin stuffed animal.
Both of them walked out of the fair happy and content with the days happenings.
Rei: Rei was another one of the boys who didn't exactly like carnivals. They just weren't beautiful. Kids running around everywhere, people almost getting sick from those stupid rides. But little things like fair dates made his partner happy, and god knows that he would do anything to keep his partner happy. They walked into the carnival and immediately got wrist bands.
His partner could barely contain their excitement as they got on their first ride for the day. Rei had noticed before but now it became more obvious to him. Every single ride at the carnivals involved something that whipped you around in a circular motion. He knew that he was going to get sick. It was a fact.
Not three rides in he began to feel sick. His partner was still full of excitement but he could feel himself losing energy as they continued to walk. His head spun and he felt as though his stomach was in his throat. As his partner pulled him into yet another line, he tried to calm himself. Heavy breathing was his only option. He stared one of the bears he would soon be seated in the eyes. "I hate you." He mouthed to the inanimate object.
As they climbed into the bear his partners hands wrapped around the circular table in the middle. This was the contraption that would send them into a flurry of circles. He almost got sick thinking about it. The ride seemed to drag on. He never touched the table he just stared at his partner almost lifelessly as they spun the table. When they finally stepped off of the ride his legs shook. Without a word he ran out of the gate and to the nearest bathroom.
Without going into detail, he came out looking even more lifeless than before. His partner stood there with a bottle of water and an apologetic look on their face. "Sorry. I got a little excited. Are you okay? We can go home.." They took his hand in theirs and gently smiled. He didn't want to ruin their day so he smiled back. After he had gotten sick he felt much better, but if he got on another one of those rides it would be the end. "We don't have to leave, but I'll be taking a break from the rides for a little." They smiled as he leaned down to leave a tender kiss to their forehead.
His partner spent the rest of the day looking at the gallery's and eating the food that was offered. Not once again that day did his partner even mention a ride.

The second part to this will be posted when I get home from school.
Send in requests! Because I don't get many and it's kind of sad.
Love you guys.

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