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¤ i am sleepy and so sleepy mako is created
¤ he would be the most gosh darned cutest thing
¤ i am sorry but i totally believe this huge ball of fluff still sleeps with a teddy bear fight me about it
¤ sometimes he will choose it over you honestly
¤ like you'll start out cuddling
¤ but when you wake up in the middle of the night he was that bear pressed to his chest
¤ yeah it's cute but damn man your bitch need love to
¤ and he'll get defense it about it too
¤ that fucking stuffed animal ends up on the floor and he'll throw a fit
¤ that thing is his ride or die
¤ sleepy makoto is a pure blessing bc like he's cute to start off with can you fucking imagine him in pjs, ruffled hair, and morning voice
¤ the thought it making me go bald
¤ if mako is really sleepy his voice does this thing
¤ honestly y'all are the couple that after a rough day comfort each other till the fucking break of dawn
¤ whether you're with him or its over the phone
¤ back to his voice
¤ it'll be normal when you first start talking but once it hits 12 and past it starts fading out
¤ like it'll get deeper and it'll crack sometimes
¤ honestly he sounds so hot but also sounds like a small babe at the same time you feel?
¤ his voice is seriously the best thing about sleepy makoto
¤ if y'all are sleeping together he surprisingly isn't too too clingy
¤ like yeah he'll be all for cuddling but y'all drift away after awhile
¤ hes honestly so cute
¤ he'll insist that the two of you make the bed together before you go to sleep
¤ even if you're only on the phone
¤ he'll just ask like
¤ 'you make your bed yet?'
¤ and if you say no hes all over that shit
¤ like 'get up I'll make mine you make yours lets go'
¤ hes too fucking cute
¤ another thing about makoto is that when he's seriously knocked the fuck out he has tendency to talk
¤ like a memory that is clear as day still is the first time makoto had came over in the intent to stay the night
¤ your parents didn't fully trust him so he was supposed to sleep on the couch
¤ but you weren't gonna leave him downstairs
¤ so you gathered all your pillows and blankets and made a little bed for the two of you on the couch
¤ the position was uncomfortable with you between makotos legs with your head on his chest but y'all worked with it
¤ he fell asleep before you
¤ one of his hands was still in your hair so you couldn't move
¤ but like all of a sudden you heard him say your name but then nothing else
¤ it was enduring but creepy
¤ so you try your absolute best to fall asleep before him
¤ all in all sleepy makoto is a fucking blessing
¤ having a slumber party with makoto would be a great life experience and we all need to experience it

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