30 - Makoto

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Right this was supposed to be the first chapter of the new book but I'm gonna post it here cause I want all of you to see it. ❤️ you're gonna cry

"One more chapter."


Beep. Beep. Beep.

The steady sound of the monitor next to his bed side became more like a lullaby than a annoying sound in these last couple of days. No matter how many times you visited a hospital that sound always got on your nerves. It didn't matter if you were around it for ten minutes of ten days. It made you want to crawl out of your skin.

But now with your hand grasping onto your boyfriends, his eyelids gently fluttering up and down as he began to get sleepy it sounded much more soothing. It wasn't blasting like always, it was a faded sound that kept you in check with reality.

This was real.

His hands were cold, but weren't they always? They didn't feel any colder than they usually did. At least you didn't think so. But he was slipping. And you knew it.

You had known it for the last five days and you sure as hell knew it now. 

This would be the last day you would lay eyes on your beautiful Makoto.

Even if he was slowly falling, a smile still coated his face from ear to ear. It never left when you were around. He had so much to worry and think about but no matter what whenever you walked into that hospital room his features would brighten.

"You're here again? Do you have the book?"

Like always you would sit down and read him a few pages of his favorite book. It was a favorite since the two of you were little. Both combined you had to have read it 70 times.

So like clock work you came from work, book in hand, to read your him his story.

You knew after today you would have to wipe clean any memory of this book. Every time you thought about it all you would be reminded of this day. Not all the fun memories behind it. Like when you were twelve and gave each other your own personal copies, filled with writing on the margarine's. Little things like compliments and funny things, comments on the passages written in the book.

After today, all you would be able to see was the smile on his face as you read it for the last time.

It was getting late, and you knew visiting hours were closing. You shook the thought away as you squeezed his hand tighter. It had loosened since you came, and his eyelids had been closed for the past two hours. You thought he was asleep but even if he was you weren't going anywhere.

The steady beep of the monitor by his bed side made you sure he wasn't gone.

10 rolled around quick and you had already gotten three reminders of visiting hours. The next would be said by hospital security. You lifted the book of your lap, cradling it under your arm. You looked at his face and smiled. He was so beautiful even in the state he was in right now. You leaned down to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead before retreating to the door.

But before you could make it, a gentle voice came from behind you.


He called.

You turned back, not saying a word.

"One more chapter."

And that's all you needed to be walking back to that hard plastic chair. Those words were the only ones you needed to stay.

The next morning you woke up with the steady beep of the monitor gone from his bed side.

One more chapter, was the last chapter he would see.

Please forgive me.

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