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Sometimes, Momo was in the mood to go out and buy things. (Correction: Momo was ALWAYS in the mood to buy things. He loved strolling through the aisles of clothes, food, random mall junk, he loved it all. He bright lights, and squeaky clean floor, and the wonderful smell of hard-earned money he took out of his pocket.) And the good thing was- he always brought you with him. Every time you asked him why he always had to pull you along whenever he wanted to go to the mall to buy something, he said that it was because he didn't want to buy something that he didn't really need and he needed a second opinion. But of course you knew that it was actually because Momo felt embarrassed when he went to buy clothes and try them out himself, and so if you were there, you would be more enthusiastic picking out clothes than him, so he would feel a little better about himself.

But these few weeks were going to be special because it was almost christmas. You knew that in Japan, people didn't really celebrate christmas, but rather treated it like a 'couple's day'. So, you were already prepared for when Momo begged you to go get a christmas haul that he could vlog about and never get the guts to post it on youtube.

You were in the living room, scrolling down your tumblr feed as usual. Wearing a hoodie and sweatpants and wrapped up in a warm blanket, you were as cozy as you could be and the cup of (drink) just made everything better. 

In the middle of silently squealing and wiggling about a fanart of a ship you liked, you heard the jingle of keys and the door opened. You tried to calm down and maintain a straight face as you looked up from your laptop to pretend that you were doing work, but the shark that had stepped into the apartment was already narrowing his eyes at you. " wHAT?" You said, unable to keep a straight face and grinning straight away. " What are you looking at?" Momo asked, and as he went to peek at your laptop you slammed it shut rather strongly, and Momo scooted back. " Alright, I surrender." He said, taking something out of his backpack. You were interested in what it was so you took a look. " Here." Momo handed with two hands the small package in transparent wrapper and a pink ribbon.

The plastic made crinkling sounds as you took it over and looked at it. It was rose scented bath petals, the thing you had been wanting to try but never had time to buy. But something was off, because Momo did not like buying things himself, especially things like bath stuff. It was your turn to narrow your eyes at him. " Fine, fine, forget the petals. Let's go watch a movie sometime." " At home?" " At the cinema, idiot." Momo rolled his eyes and sat down next to you. 

The couch dipped and the small stack of magazines slid into the crack between the couch and his butt and you sighed, reaching out to stack them neatly again. " The new movie. I promise it's not that bad." Momo held up two tickets. It was for the Star Wars movie The Last Jedi. You grinned because you knew how crazy Momo was about Star Wars. He and his brother built and painted models of the millennium falcon and other ships and whenever they were in the car they sang the star wars theme loudly with the windows rolled down. " What are you even saying Momo? I enjoy going to cinemas as much as you do, what the heck." Momo looked at you blankly. " You said you were busy." He said. " Do I look like I'm busy? I've been scrolling down my tumblr feed for the past four hours, so yeah! Let's watch a movie!"

On the day of the movie, Momo had agreed to meet you at the cinema because going to the cinema straight after being in the pool was not a good idea and Momo did not want you to be seen with an ugly idiot who smelt like the pool at the movies, so he would leave a little early, run home in record speed to take a shower and take the train to the cinema. The weather was super super cold but it wasn't snowing yet, but since this was kind of a 'date night' you were wearing a nice dress that just went down to your knees but with Momo's old varsity jacket on because it was cozy. It was almost time of the movie and you were still waiting next to the ticket stands. You clutched your purse and rocked on your feet, looking around for orange hair.

You were starting to freak out a little because you saw so many couples already buying popcorn and going into the movie theater, but Momo hadn't arrived. Today was the first day the movie came out, so the cinema was packed. But as you waited you suddenly heard murmurs and snickers about something about a Darth Vader? You frowned. Something about cosplay... You tiptoed to look around, and suddenly you saw a black thing wading slowly through the crowd towards you. I have a very bad feeling about this... you thought. 

You narrowed your eyes to see what it was, but when it came closer you realized it was someone in a Darth Vader costume. Standing frozen in place, the truth dawned on you. The person's cloak was way too long and it made the person stumble and have to hold up the cloak a bit and from under the black fabric you saw a flash of bright orange charmander sneakers. Oh thought, facepalming. The person walked right up to you and lifted the Darth Vader mask. " Momo?! The hell are you doing?" You whisper shouted, looking at him like wtf. 

" I can't breathe in this thing..." Momo said, ripping the whole mask off, and rubbing at the sweat on his forehead. " Put the mask back on! People are looking!" You said, grabbing his mask and slapping it back on his face. " Ow-" " Just- lets go in. And keep the mask on until we're in the dark." It seemed like you were suffering because of second hand embarrassment and Momo felt no shame. " But popcorn..." " Nope." You said, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the cinema.

" (Name)," Momo said as you had settled down in your seats and were waiting for the movie to start. " What?" You asked. " I need to find my wallet." " Then just get it!" " I can't see, it's too dark." " I don't know! Just leave it till later!" " I want to check how much money I have left!" " Not now!" " Do you have a flashlight or something?" " No? Why would I have a flashlight and why would you even use it in the cinema, dammit momo! If you weirdo don't have have a flashlight, don't expect me to have one!" And there was a soft gasp from Momo. 

" Hold on- I got it." " You got your wallet?" You asked in relief. Finally Momo would shut up just in time before the movie started. " No," Momo replied, fumbling around with something and you turned pale. The familiar sound of a lightsaber turning on (しょーん~~ )  rang through the entire cinema and suddenly a bright blue light was illuminating your and Momo's stupid grinning face. 

" See? Perfect. Now I have a light." Momo waved his collectable light saber happily before stuffing the handle between the seats so it stood up on its own. You gave up and took his Darth Vader mask. " I'm not talking to you." You said, securing the mask over your face, not wanting anyone to see you. Momo fumbled loudly in his backpack for thirty seconds straight and you could hear things falling out and clattering onto the floor before you saw him stop abruptly. " Oh- it's here." Momo pulled his wallet out of his pocket. You rolled your eyes, sighing one more time. You sank lower into your seat. 

" Never mind." Momo said, turning off his lightsaber. 

The lightsaber made that stupid sound effect (しょーん~~) as it switched off and again you were in darkness. 

Finally, the movie screen finally flickered to life. 

*momo means peach in japanese hahaha 

hope you enjoyed reading ths storyy!! 

anyone excited for star wars >< 

any requests~~ if anyone has requests please put it in the comments~ 

this book has so many chapters its scary 

arigatou gozaimasu! 

<3 grayscale-chan 

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