Gone But Not Forgotten (Nagisa x Reader)

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Based off a post I saw on tumblr.
I apologize in advanced.

It was seven o'clock in the morning when Nagisa heard the familiar sound of his best friend's ring tone. Y/N had just texted him something about going to the beach for the day with a couple of friends. They understood that he needed to be at practice and couldn't skip out. "Be safe! Tell me how everything goes!" His phone rang once more from them.

"Love you, see you tomorrow!"

Nagisa loved, and he meant loved having Y/N around. They were outgoing, and joyful. Courageous, and just simply not afraid of being themselves. All and all they were like two peas in a pod; irrespirable. Honestly, the blonde didn't have a clue what he would do if he didn't have them around. When the night came around and Nagisa still hadn't received any texts from them he began to worry. He guessed it was simply because they were having so much fun at the beach. Fun they were having without him.

The next morning came around fast, and he truly hoped he would have a message from his best friend but to no avail the screen was blank. He opened up their messages and quickly typed one out.
"Should I bring movies for tonight?"
No answer.
"Dude, I kind of need to know before I get on the bus."
Still no answer.
"Whatever, we'll just watch the shitty ones at your house then."

When he arrived at school he was greeted by Makoto and Rei but something seemed off. Y/N was absolutely no where to be seen. Makoto and Rei seemed distant, and Haru hadn't even shown up for school. Something must have been going on, and Nagisa's heart was pounding in anticipation.

It was in the middle of Chemistry that Nagisa's phone lit up. It was a call from Y/N's mom. He quickly rushed out of the room, and down to guidance to answer. What he heard made his heart completely sink. Y/N was in the hospital. Drunk driver had hit their car on the way back from the shore. They were in the hospital, in critical condition. Nagisa knew they wouldn't be able to answer his texts but something felt right about texting them through it.

"Fuck your mom just called me oh my god are you okay?? oh god Y/N I'll be at the hospital as soon as school gets out. please be okay for me."

Before Nagisa had even reached the hospital their mother called again. He could tell by the sobs and sniffles that came from the other line that the person he had loved for this many years was gone. Nagisa pulled his bike to the side of the road and completely broke down. Even still his hands typed away at his keyboard, searching for one last way to feel contact with them.

"please answer me please just say anything this has got to be a nightmare."
"please just don't be gone."

Time passed by quickly after Y/N died. The funeral came and went and Nagisa finally understood why you hated them. They were so depressing. The fact he had to shake the hands of your relatives, and look at you lifeless in a casket was one thing the blonde boy would never forget. As much as he truly wanted to.

By the time he knew it Christmas rolled around. Instead of spending it with his own family he spent it on the couch with your hysterical mother. They looked through photos of you all night until Nagisa finally made his way back home. It was cold, and snowing, just the way you enjoyed your Christmases to be.

"It's just not the same without you here this Christmas. It doesn't feel right knowing you wont be waking up tomorrow to call me with the news of what you got."

The texts seemed to sooth him. The boy knew he would never hear from his best friend again, but knowing he had some kind of contact left with you made him happy. If happy was even a part of his vocabulary anymore.

Your birthday came around and he spent it with your family again. They lit up a birthday cake, but no one was there to blow them out. The took the candles out after singing and simply dosed them in water. That was another night he went home with the same empty pit in his stomach. Maybe subjecting himself to your family was the worst idea. Being in the house he basically grew up in with you was one of the worst feelings ever.

Before Nagisa even knew it a year had passed. He still texted their phone everyday giving them little updates on his life in general. He never said anything about their family in fear she would see the texts and become upset. It all just blurred really.

"It's been exactly a year today you said you'd see me tomorrow..I'm still waiting."

Nagisa's life had completely crumbled since they died. His relationship with his other friends became harder. He barely went to swim practice anymore. But he still texted them day by day to inform how the team was doing. Although he was no longer a part of it.

"i'm with Haru and I need to get drunk which is ironic because a man who had too much alcohol is what destroyed you and our lives and I miss you so much and I can't do this without you anymore"

That night was a bad night. He got completely shit faced, ended up passing out on the side of the street. Haru had ditched him because he got aggressive. Honestly, he just wanted his life to end. It wasn't until the afternoon when he woke up he even remembered what had happened. Nagisa felt terrible about everything. But the pain and suffering was only beginning. When he awoke he found a text from your number. His heart shattered as he read it:

"The number you dialed has been changed, disconnected or is not longer in service. Please try again at a later time."

That was it the last piece of you that the young boy had.

Gone forever.

I am a piece of shit for writing this and I am sorry.
i'm crying.

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