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¤ I couldn't even possibly imagine living or being married to sousuke ok
¤ he's such a douche sometimes it's not even remotely funny
¤ but i won't talk about that I'll stick to the positives
¤ he's very orderly okay
¤ he likes his stuff to stay in one place and for your clothes not to get into his
¤ like if he finds your underwear in his laundry basket he'll have a conniption
¤ 'how the fuck did this get here y/n?'
¤ 'you put it there..last night..after we had sex..'
¤ 'oh yeah..carry on'
¤ i think the best thing about being married to sousuke is the pure safety you feel now that you know he's going to be around forever
¤ like after you moved in with him and settled down like you knew your life was going to be somewhat normal now
¤ no more guys trying to hop on your shit
¤ because lets me honest if a guy ever tried that now sousuke would straight up punch their lights out
¤ also another very good pro
¤ hes tall and muscular so like if you get tired of walking he just puts you on his back and carries you around
¤ it's like heaven on earth
¤ (the muscles are also a super big plus during sex but i aint getting into that rn because I'll probably cry???)
¤ about a month into your marriage sousuke sat you down and was like
¤ 'i think it's time that we moved in together'
¤ because even though you were married you still weren't living together and it was weird
¤ so within the next couple of days you started apartment shopping and let me tell you it was a doozy
¤ you must have looked at about 10 apartments and 5 houses
¤ but lets be honest you and sousuke didn't need a house it was just the two of you (or was it)
¤ so you looked more at a apartments
¤ and it really did seem hopeless
¤ until one of the last apartments caught your eye
¤ it was a two room apartment with a kitchen and living room and a full bathroom
¤ sousuke said it was too big because of the extra room
¤ little did he know that that room would soon be occupied
¤ that night when you went back to your parents house you sat down and went over all the apartments you had seen within the past couple of days
¤ he was set on a one bedroom one but you seriously thought the two bedroom was better
¤ that was the night you broke the news
¤ you knew sousuke didn't like surprises so you were v blunt
¤ 'i just think the two bedroom is good you know because of the kid on the way'
¤ 'the what?'
¤ 'oh yeah I'm pregnant..'
¤ you should have seen this dicks face
¤ first it was shock then it was happy and then he started crying it was a mess
¤ (you got the two bedroom)
¤ just being married to sousuke comes with a new experience everyday
¤ to him taking you to the gym
¤ to just wanting to stay in with you
¤ yeah he might be a douche and he might over react but he's your douche and you love him
¤ hes the sweetest most accepting creature to ever roam this earth and he needs so much love
¤ please please please love sousuke yamazaki

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