just a tiny rin imagine

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 " Hey, Rin, how do these sunglasses look on me?" You asked, looking at him and smiling. He just looked at you and fixed his fringe. You found that amusing and cute. " uh... Rin?" you sort of giggled and he looked at you. " Yeah, I think this pair fits you the most." He said quickly, grinning his wide, shark toothed grin.

After, when Rin was driving home with you, you asked him a question. " Rin, when I asked you how the sunglasses looked, what were you looking at?" " Your eyes." He said, blushing a bit. " you have beautiful eyes, you know that." You just smiled to yourself.

Baka*. You thought as you grinned at your reflection in the sunglasses. That boy was looking at his own reflection in my sunglasses. Your sharkie was just too adorable to be ignored. You couldn't help but lean over and peck him softly on the cheek and you decided to give him a break.

Until next time.

*baka means idiot

I know this is waaaaay shorter than the reader x haru carnival one I wrote, but this idea popped into my head and I thought it was really cute :3

I have an interschool volleyball tournament to compete in next week and I'm vv nervous! My brother Kiyoshi who is in grade eleven is gonna be competing too

I'm the youngest on my team because Grade one to six is separated from grade seven to twelve here and im in grade seven O_o It's my first time competing for this school and expectations are high ;-; wish me luck

arigato gozaimasu! 


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