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Haru: Lately, Haru had noticed that his s/o had become more and more stressed about their school work. It was their last year in high school, and they were trying their best to maintain high grades so colleges would be impressed. But his s/o constantly was worrying about how their grades were going to impact them in the future. They were never a good student, and he knew how much of a mess they had gotten themselves into. While sitting in his room, he pulled out his phone to message them.

"Hey. I just went on that site that lists your grades. You're doing great baby! You've got 90's in both classes. Keep up the good work okay. I love you.x"

He knew it wasnt much, but it was the most he could do at the moment. Not minutes later, he recieved a text back.

"Thank you. I'm really trying. I want to get into the school I want, and I'll do anything to get there. Now stop bothering me I'm trying to learn."

He smiled at his phone. After recieving the text, a snapchat popped onto his screen. It showed them with their books, and a cute grin on their face. The caption simply said, I love you. But all in all it made him happy that they were finally satisfied with where they were.

Makoto: "Babe. I promise it's going to be okay." His s/o curled up on the bed beside him, a tear or two falling down their face. Their family had just moved out of Japan, and seeing as his s/o wanted to finish school she was living with them. It had only been a week, but his s/o was constantly upset about the fact that they could no longer see their little brother. That kid meant the word to them, and it was rough having to see him strictly on video chat.
Makoto rubbed their back gently, trying to calm them down. "Hey now. Think about it this way, at least your family is happy. And I mean your brother is probably having a blast making new friends. You judge have to survive a year more and you'll be reunited. Not even. You go to visit in two weeks time." His s/o lifted their head from the mattress and crawled over to him. Their head landed in the crook of his neck, leaving small kisses here and there. "Thank you, Makoto. You always have the right words." He smiled and kissed his partner. "It's the least I can do princess."

Nagisa: Nagisa and his s/o hadn't seen each other in three weeks now. Nagisa being the person he is, had serious separation issues. His partner had been receiving texts nonstop since he left and didn't really know how to handle it. They loved the kid to death, but it honestly got slightly tiring. It wasn't until one text was received that they actually started to care about his constant texts.

"Babe. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. We had our tourtement today and i won. Guess what place? I'll just tell you. I got first. I texted you directly when I got onto the stage, and then directly when I got out. I'M going to start calling you my lucky charm. I know the texts probably got annoying but I needed to text you to calm my nerves about the tourtement. I love you, okay. I'll see you soon."

His s/o reread the text a million before finally deciding to reply. Their hearts filled with joy at the thought of the blonde haired boy coming home. They would finally be able to hold him close again.

"I can't believe you got first place. I'm so very proud of you. I can't wait until your home. I've been longing to hold you again. I just knew you were going to win. Omg. I'm so proud Nagisa. I love you so much. See you soon. "

They continued to talk the rest of the night until they both fell asleep. The only thought on both of their miss was how excited they were to finally be able to be with each other again.

Rei: "Babe?" Rei texted his partner. "You haven't texted me all day are you alright? You seemed off yesterday."
His partner had been completely stressed out about this project they had been presenting in class for the last three days. Contact had been limited and he was beginning to worry. He knew they had tendency to have serious panic attacks, and didn't want anything to happen. It was until late that night that he received anything from them.

"I passed. I fucking passed. Even after I had the biggestpanic attack of my life, I passed with flying colors. 98% baby. I'm so happy. Come over right now. We're celebrating."

His face lite up, and he didn't waste anytime with getting dressed and running to his s/o's house.

Sosuke: Five days. Five days since Sosuke had left on a trip with Rin. His partner wasn't worried seeing as he was with window, but they did miss him terribly. Ever since they started living together things would get lonely if he wasn't there. His partner lounged around the house for the whole trip, making sure not to text him too much. They didn't want to bother him. Sosuke would send them pictures, and they always managed to make them feel better.

"Hey cutie. You come home in four days, and I'm so excited. From the pictures I've been getting I can tell you're having a great time in Australia and I'm really glad. Tell Rin I said hello, Also thank him for taking you away. I finally got some peace and quiet. I love you. See you soon. "
His partner followed up the message with a picture of them in PJ's watching a movie. Sosuke almost immediately replied with a pictures of him in bed.

"I miss you. This going away thing is rough actually. But I am having a really good time. Four days and I'll finally be able to wrap my arms around that precious little body of yours. I love you. See you soon. "

They smiled and places their phone on the bedside table. They could go to sleep peacefully knowing he was alright and having fun.

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