Rainy days with Sousuke

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Originally this was supposed to be Rin, but Rin is getting so much love rn. Let's go with this big boy~

"I'm so glad classes got to be cancelled today" You sigh as you run a towel up your hair to dry. You look at the reflection in the mirror as you set down the towel to put on a shirt. Sousuke's shirt to be exact. The classes you were supposed to have got cancelled resulting in Sousuke staying the day and wanting to just be cuddled. Sousuke demanded to not get out of bed and just cuddle, you were about to give in until you remembered to send your essay to your professor in which you suddenly jolt up to your computer.

"Sousuke might give me a cold shoulder." You say as you let your hair be wet, not bothering to dry it. You hang up the towel on the handle and got off the bathroom, expecting to see Sousuke laying on the bed, his back facing the bathroom door while he's listening to some music through his headphones plugged in his phone. Surprisingly, he wasn't there. His presence wasn't seen in your room either, the sheets were just messed around the bed. "Sousuke...?" You trailed off, running a hand through your wet hair as you walk to the living room.

He wasn't there either, but what was in the living room piqued your interest. A bunch of your favorite movies on the coffee table with a bunch of knitted wool blankets laying on the couch, the television was still playing the news and showed that later in the evening it would be much colder due to the storm approaching.

You felt butterflies swarming in your stomach, a familiar warmth spreading throughout your cheeks. But still, the thought remained in your head. Where the hell is Sousuke?

You were about to call out his name when a bunch of metal items clattered and the vibrations of the items falling could be felt through the floor as the items were many, "What the shit." You heard Sousuke groan making you giggle. The sound came from the kitchen, which where your feet took you.

The sight that had before you was absolutely surprising, you half expected Sousuke to just be making coffee while the other half expected Sousuke to be making instant ramen. But Sousuke putting out the baking tray and baking ingredients out, oh this is just glorious.

"What are you doing?" You asked, unable to hide your large smile and the glint in your eyes. Sousuke looked up at you and stopped himself in picking up the fallen mixing bowl. His eyes widened for a moment, unable to meet your gaze, he looked at the side, a faint shade of pink spreading through his cheeks. "Y-you seem stressed lately... So I wanted to bake you some cookies." 

Now it was your turn to blush, "And you said you love those movies so I bought them the other day." He added, standing up to place the bowl to the counter. A grin was etched to your face, "I thought you just wanna cuddle all day and never stand up huh?" You teased, poking his cheek. His gaze went to you to the baking tray. "I still do," he made eye contact, "Why is your hair still wet?" He asked, making you look up to your hair. "Oh I'm too lazy to dry my hair with the blower. And I couldn't find the blower either." You said thinking it was enough reason for you to start baking already, resulting him to raise his brow and walk towards you. Hands on your waist, you thought he was going to kiss you, until he raised you above to his shoulders. "WHAT THE- SOU! PUT ME DOWN!" You exclaimed, shocked by the sudden movement. 

By the time you were at the couch, Sousuke had put you down between his legs. "What are you even-" "You're gonna get a cold, idiot." He just said, grabbing the blower from the floor. "What are those doing there?" You asked only to be ignored when he ran a hand through your hair, making you sigh in pleasure. "This is good~" You chirped making Sousuke lean in, kissing you from the corners of your mouth. "Mmm. I Love you Sou." You sighed, relaxing in his touch.

"Say, we're gonna bake the cookies, right?"


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