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This is pretty short

" Nitori, you seriously are pushing yourself too hard."

" But if I don't do this I'm not going to get into the relay." 

You sighed in frustration. " If you do this you're going to get sick easily. You're not eating enough, and you're clearly not getting enough sleep."

" Says the one who skipped dinner and drove all the way here in the rain at one in the morning just to tell me to eat and sleep more."

You dragged a hand through your hair. As time passed and as you both finished the first and second year of high school Nitori had indeed grown more confident with what he had to say.  

" Fine, if you want to stay here, stay."

There was an awkward silence. Then Nitori took something out of his tracksuit pocket and tossed it to you. You caught it. It was his room key. You looked at him.

" It's raining. Tomorrow's Saturday and we both don't have school. Rin's out of town, so," His sincere voice brought a smile back onto your face. " Stay?" he finished his sentence. 

You hesitated. You still had homework and some projects to be done that where due on Monday.

" We can watch (favorite movie)." Nitori added. Your ears pricked up. Did someone mention (favorite movie)?

Nah, homework can wait.

" I'm staying."

Hi guys! I hoped you liked this really short nitori x reader (:

The pic though

Third year nitori

Arigato gozaimasu!


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