Makoto x Artist!reader

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" Hey, yn, what are you drawing?" Makoto sat next to you and kissed you on the forehead. Then he passed you a bottle of water. Putting down your pencil, you opened the bottle and took a long sip.

" Don't you have swimming practice?" you asked, putting down the bottle on the table next to you and smiling at your green eyed boyfriend. He shrugged. " It's being cleaned this week. You know, after spring it's full of soggy sakura petals. It may look nice the first few days, but now even Haru won't touch water dirty like that. Swimming in decomposing flowers? Yuck. Don't even mention the bugs." Makoto stuck his tongue out, making you laugh.

" You haven't answered my question yet, yn." " What question?" " What are you drawing? Is it a bird?" You grinned. " No, it's an angel." You said, pointing to the pencil lines on the big canvas. " There are the wings." " It's beautiful." Makoto said, admiring your art like he always did. " I hope you get a high mark in this, yn. You really deserve it." You smiled at his sweetness. " I hope so too."

~time skip~ 

" So your picture really got high marks!" Makoto said as you hugged him tightly. Your heart tingled with excitement. " It wouldn't have without your support, Makoto." " I can't wait to see it." Makoto murmured as you took his hand and pulled him towards the art room, where all the best paintings were hung up for students and guests to see.

" Wow, all of these are very nice too." Makoto said, looking at a painting of a silhouette of a white cat walking on a wall with the sun setting in the background. " But mine is nicer." You said, your smile growing wider with each step.

" Here." You stopped at the end of the small aisle, staring at your own black and white painting of an angel. The angel was sitting down and his back was facing towards the front, so his face was hidden. But Makoto didn't need too see the face to recognize himself.

Who wouldn't recognize that it's Makoto? You thought, admiring Makoto's amazed face just as much as he admired your painting. The toned back muscles and broad shoulders from a lifetime's dedication to swimming backstroke told everyone that it was surely Makoto. And even if the back muscles didn't show, you thought, gazing up at your boyfriend's smiling face. There's no one else in this world who I can call an angel.

And before you could say anything, Makoto had pulled you into a warm hug. Wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest, you didn't say anything and neither did he. But through the warmness that spread between you two, you both know you were thinking the same thing: I love you.

hope you liked it:D I always get these cute little ideas and I always can't wait to share them with you guys :3 thanks for wishing me luck on the game! Hope you all had a nice week full of smiles and laughter


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