How he'd sleep with his s/o

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Haru: Seeing as he liked his personal space he would probably dislike when his partner got to close to him in bed. Haru liked to stretch out in bed and once he nudged their leg or touched another part of their body he would try his best to move to his side of the bed again. But with a little convincing from his partner some nights would be spent with their head resting peacefully on Haru's chest and his fingers gently caressing their hair.

Makoto: Makoto would be so cuddly in bed. He would just love being able to come home from a long day and instantly curl up with his love one in bed. Whether it involved him resting his head on their chest or them simply laying on top of him he would love every minute of it.

Nagisa: Nagisa always got cold so easily. Most nights his s/o would wake up and half of the covers were displaced and hanging over his side of the bed. He'd also enjoy lots and lots of pillows to be strewn all over the bed for extra comfort.

Rei: With Rei there would be a lot of complaining before bed time. About simple things like how many pillows each of you got, or the space that you both needed to reserve. At the end of the night when you both had fallen asleep silly little arguments before drifted away along with every deal concerning sleeping patterns. Rei would slowly make his way to your side of the bed and wrap his arms around you, staying there for the rest of the night.

Rin: Sleeping with him would be quite uncomfortable. He would constantly be on the move. Tossing and turning, wrapping his arms around you and then pushing you to get more space. Most nights his s/o would want to leave the bed from lack of sleep from his shenanigans. Once in awhile he would simmer down and just gently hold your hand and not let go. Like how otters do.

Sosuke: Sosuke would be on of those guys that just slept how he wanted to sleep especially with his s/o around. Honestly he was the type that preferred having a warm body next to him in bed. Most nights his whole body would coil around his s/o. His legs intertwined with theirs, and his face buried in their hair. Once satisfied with his position he would just stay there and snore, and probably drool.

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