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ladies and gentlemen, the not so perfect gou moment

btw the picture has nothing to do with the story, i just thought it was super cute 

" Hey, Gou!"

" IT'S KOU!"

" Whatever! We need diapers!" You hollered from the bathroom.

Your child was currently on the bathroom counter and the smell was making you want to throw up.

" We don't have any!" Gou hollered back, " And I'm busy! I have work!"

" Then call Rin or something!"

" But what do we do with (child's name)?"


You and Gou were currently in a difficult situation.

" Wassup dawg?"

" Rin!"

" Don't yell so loud! What?"

Gou rolled her eyes. " I need diapers. Me and (name) forgot to buy them yesterday!"

" Wha-" Rin said. " Ah. Okay. That's why you're yelling. Well, actually, I have swimming prac-"

" Yeah. I don't care if you're free or not, nii-chan! Just go to the store and buy diapers! The soft kind! You know, the-"

" Yeah, I know, i know." Rin said. " I'm going to the store now, hang in there."

You turned to (child's name).

" It's alright, baby. A couple more minutes and uncle Rin will be over with diapers."

(Child's name) randomly babbled something and you smiled. " That's awesome, baby! Just bear with no diapers for a minute or two."

Gou came in. " You doing alright there?"

" What do you think? At least help me take the trash to the trashcan?"

" Alright!" Gou covered her ears and reached out, taking the sloppily wrapped diaper with two fingers.

" Ew! It's gross!" She said, holding it far away from her.

" You're his/her mother! Just take it out! Just do it!"

" It smells really bad!"

" Gou! Just do it! Just. Do. It. Do I need to drive you to a Nike store and make you watch all of their commercials on the small tv above the cashier before you learn ho-"

" Oh dammit!"

While you were waving your arms in frustration, your hand bumped into Gou's hand and before you knew it the diaper was falling.

And it landed facedown on your foot.

" My sock!" you screamed, kicking the diaper off your foot.

Gou screamed louder, jumping back.

The smell was getting worse, and now that your sock was covered with yucky, slippery baby poo, you really, really, wanted to throw up.

" Gou, please help." You fake sobbed, squeezing your nose.

" Uhh..." Gou said, " Okay! I'll take the baby, and you clean! Go!" She snatched (child's name) out of your arms, leaving you to clean up the mess.

You groaned, rolling your eyes.

It was your love for your pushy, always screaming, but adorable wife that kept you from whacking her in the head with a newspaper. 

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